Source code for psychopy.session

import asyncio
import importlib
import os
import sys
import shutil
import threading
import time
import json
import traceback
from functools import partial
from pathlib import Path

from psychopy import experiment, logging, constants, data, core, __version__
from psychopy.hardware.manager import DeviceManager, deviceManager
from psychopy.hardware.listener import loop as listenerLoop
from import AliasDict

from psychopy.localization import _translate

class SessionQueue:
    def __init__(self):
        # start off alive
        self._alive = True
        # blank list of partials to run
        self.queue = []
        # blank list of outputs
        self.results = []
        # blank list of Sessions to maintain
        self.sessions = []

    def start(self):
        Start a while loop which will execute any methods added to this queue via
        queueTask as well as the onIdle functions of any sessions registered with
        this queue. This while loop will keep running until `stop` is called, so
        only use this method if you're running with multiple threads!
        self._alive = True
        # process any calls
        while self._alive:
            # empty the queue of any tasks
            while len(self.queue):
                # run the task
                task = self.queue.pop(0)
                    retval = task()
                except Exception as err:
                    # send any errors to server
                    tb = traceback.format_exception(type(err), err, err.__traceback__)
                    output = json.dumps({
                        'type': "error",
                        'msg': "".join(tb)
                    # process output
                    output = {
                        'method': task.func.__name__,
                        'args': task.args,
                        'kwargs': task.keywords,
                        'returned': retval
                # Send to liaisons
                for session in self.sessions:
            # while idle, run idle functions for each session
            for session in self.sessions:
            # take a little time to sleep so tasks on other threads can execute

    def stop(self):
        Stop this queue.
        # stop running the queue
        self._alive = False

    def queueTask(self, method, *args, **kwargs):
        Add a task to this queue, to be executed when next possible.

        method : function
            Method to execute
        args : tuple
            Tuple of positional arguments to call `method` with.
        kwargs : dict
            Dict of named arguments to call `method` with.

            True if added successfully.
        # create partial from supplied method, args and kwargs
        task = partial(method, *args, **kwargs)
        # add partial to queue

        return True

    def connectSession(self, session):
        Associate a Session object with this queue, meaning that its onIdle
        method will be called whenever the queue is not running anything else.

        session : Session
            Session to associate with this queue.

            True if associated successfully.
        # add session to list of sessions whose onIdle function to call

    def disconnectSession(self, session):
        Remove association between a Session object and this queue, meaning
        that its onIdle method will not be called by the queue.

        session : Session
            Session to disconnect from this queue.

            True if associated successfully.
        # remove session from list of linked sessions
        if session in self.sessions:
            i = self.sessions.index(session)

_queue = SessionQueue()

[docs]class Session: """ A Session is from which you can run multiple PsychoPy experiments, so long as they are stored within the same folder. Session uses a persistent Window and inputs across experiments, meaning that you don't have to keep closing and reopening windows to run multiple experiments. Through the use of multithreading, an experiment running via a Session can be sent commands and have variables changed while running. Methods of Session can be called from a second thread, meaning they don't have to wait for `runExperiment` to return on the main thread. For example, you could pause an experiment after 10s like so: ``` # define a function to run in a second thread def stopAfter10s(thisSession): # wait 10s time.sleep(10) # pause thisSession.pauseExperiment() # create a second thread thread = threading.Thread( target=stopAfter10s, args=(thisSession,) ) # start the second thread thread.start() # run the experiment (in main thread) thisSession.runExperiment("testExperiment") ``` When calling methods of Session which have the parameter `blocking` from outside of the main thread, you can use `blocking=False` to force them to return immediately and, instead of executing, add themselves to a queue to be executed in the main thread by a while loop within the `start` function. This is important for methods like `runExperiment` or `setupWindowFromParams` which use OpenGL and so need to be run in the main thread. For example, you could alternatively run the code above like this: ``` # define a function to run in a second thread def stopAfter10s(thisSession): # start the experiment in the main thread thisSession.runExperiment("testExperiment", blocking=False) # wait 10s time.sleep(10) # pause thisSession.pauseExperiment() # create a second thread thread = threading.Thread( target=stopAfter10s, args=(thisSession,) ) # start the second thread thread.start() # start the Session so that non-blocking methods are executed thisSession.start() ``` Parameters ---------- root : str or pathlib.Path Root folder for this session - should contain all of the experiments to be run. liaison : liaison.WebSocketServer Liaison server from which to receive run commands, if running via a liaison setup. loggingLevel : str How much output do you want in the log files? Should be one of the following: - 'error' - 'warning' - 'data' - 'exp' - 'info' - 'debug' ('error' is fewest messages, 'debug' is most) inputs: dict, str or None Dictionary of input objects for this session. Leave as None for a blank dict, or supply the name of an experiment to use the `setupInputs` method from that experiment. win : psychopy.visual.Window, str or None Window in which to run experiments this session. Supply a dict of parameters to make a Window from them, or supply the name of an experiment to use the `setupWindow` method from that experiment. experiments : dict or None Dict of name:experiment pairs which this Session can run. Each should be the file path of a .psyexp file, contained somewhere within the folder supplied for `root`. Paths can be absolute or relative to the root folder. Leave as None for a blank dict, experiments can be added later on via `addExperiment()`. """ def __init__(self, root, dataDir=None, clock="iso", win=None, experiments=None, loggingLevel="info", priorityThreshold=constants.priority.EXCLUDE+1, params=None, liaison=None): # Store root and add to Python path self.root = Path(root) sys.path.insert(1, str(self.root)) # Create data folder if dataDir is None: dataDir = self.root / "data" / str(core.Clock().getTime(format="%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S-%f")) dataDir = Path(dataDir) if not dataDir.is_dir(): os.makedirs(str(dataDir), exist_ok=True) # Store data folder self.dataDir = dataDir # Create log file wallTime = data.getDateStr(fractionalSecondDigits=6) self.logFile = logging.LogFile( dataDir / f"session_{wallTime}.log", level=getattr(logging, loggingLevel.upper()) ) # Store priority threshold self.priorityThreshold = priorityThreshold # Add experiments self.experiments = {} self.experimentObjects = {} if experiments is not None: for nm, exp in experiments.items(): self.addExperiment(exp, key=nm) # Store/create window object = win if isinstance(win, dict): from psychopy import visual = visual.Window(**win) if win in self.experiments: # If win is the name of an experiment, setup from that experiment's method = None self.setupWindowFromExperiment(win) # Setup Session clock if clock in (None, "float"): clock = core.Clock() elif clock == "iso": clock = core.Clock(format=str) elif isinstance(clock, str): clock = core.Clock(format=clock) self.sessionClock = clock # make sure we have a default keyboard if DeviceManager.getDevice("defaultKeyboard") is None: DeviceManager.addDevice( deviceClass="psychopy.hardware.keyboard.KeyboardDevice", deviceName="defaultKeyboard", ) # Store params as an aliased dict if params is None: params = {} self.params = AliasDict(params) # List of ExperimentHandlers from previous runs self.runs = [] # Store ref to liaison object = liaison # Start off with no current experiment self.currentExperiment = None
[docs] def start(self): """ Start this Session running its queue. Not recommended unless running across multiple threads. Returns ------- bool True if this Session was started safely. """ # register self with queue _queue.connectSession(self) # start queue if we're in the main branch and it's not alive yet if threading.current_thread() == threading.main_thread() and not _queue._alive: _queue.start() return True
[docs] def onIdle(self): """ Function to be called continuously while a SessionQueue is idle. Returns ------- bool True if this Session was stopped safely. """ if is not None and not # Show waiting message "Waiting to start..." )) = "grey" # Flip the screen # Flush log self.logFile.logger.flush()
[docs] def stop(self): """ Stop this Session running the queue. Not recommended unless running across multiple threads. """ _queue.disconnectSession(self)
[docs] def addExperiment(self, file, key=None, folder=None): """ Register an experiment with this Session object, to be referred to later by a given key. Parameters ---------- file : str, Path Path to the experiment (psyexp) file or script (py) of a Python experiment. key : str Key to refer to this experiment by once added. Leave as None to use file path relative to session root. folder : str, Path Folder for this project, if adding from outside of the root folder this entire folder will be moved. Leave as None to use the parent folder of `file`. Returns ------- bool or None True if the operation completed successfully """ # Path-ise file file = Path(file) if not file.is_absolute(): # If relative, treat as relative to root file = self.root / file # Get project folder if not specified if folder is None: folder = file.parent # If folder isn't within root, copy it to root and show a warning if not str(folder).startswith(str(self.root)): # Warn user that some files are going to be copied logging.warning(_translate( "Experiment '{}' is located outside of the root folder for this Session. All files from its " "experiment folder ('{}') will be copied to the root folder and the experiment will run " "from there." ).format(file.stem, folder.stem)) # Create new folder newFolder = self.root / folder.stem # Copy files to it shutil.copytree( src=str(folder), dst=str(newFolder), dirs_exist_ok=True ) # Store new locations file = newFolder / file.relative_to(folder) folder = newFolder # Notify user than files are copied "Experiment '{}' and its experiment folder ('{}') have been copied to {}" ).format(file.stem,folder.stem,newFolder)) # Initialise as module moduleInitFile = (folder / "") if not moduleInitFile.is_file(): moduleInitFile.write_text("") # Construct relative path starting from root relPath = [] for parent in file.relative_to(self.root).parents: if parent.stem: relPath.append(parent.stem) relPath.reverse() # Add experiment name relPath.append(file.stem) # Join with . so it's a valid import path importPath = ".".join(relPath) # Write experiment as Python script pyFile = file.parent / (file.stem + ".py") if "psyexp" in file.suffix: # Load experiment exp = experiment.Experiment() exp.loadFromXML(file) # Make sure useVersion is off exp.settings.params['Use version'].val = "" # Write script script = exp.writeScript(target="PsychoPy") pyFile.write_text(script, encoding="utf8") # Store experiment object self.experimentObjects[key] = exp else: # if no experiment object, store None self.experimentObjects[key] = None # Handle if key is None if key is None: key = str(file.relative_to(self.root)) # Check that first part of import path isn't the name of an already existing module try: isPackage = importlib.import_module(relPath[0]) # If we imported successfully, check that the module imported is in the root dir if not hasattr(isPackage, "__file__") or not isPackage.__file__.startswith(str(self.root)): raise NameError(_translate( "Experiment could not be loaded as name of folder {} is also the name of an installed Python " "package. Please rename." ).format(self.root / relPath[0])) except ImportError: # If we can't import, it's not a package and so we're good! pass # Import python file self.experiments[key] = importlib.import_module(importPath) return True
[docs] def getStatus(self): """ Get an overall status flag for this Session. Will be one of either: Returns ------- int A value `psychopy.constants`, either: - NOT_STARTED: If no experiment is running - STARTED: If an experiment is running - PAUSED: If an experiment is paused - FINISHED: If an experiment is in the process of terminating """ if self.currentExperiment is None: # If no current experiment, return NOT_STARTED return constants.NOT_STARTED else: # Otherwise, return status of experiment handler return self.currentExperiment.status
def getPsychoPyVersion(self): return __version__
[docs] def getTime(self, format=str): """ Get time from this Session's clock object. Parameters ---------- format : type, str or None Can be either: - `float`: Time will return as a float as number of seconds - time format codes: Time will return as a string in that format, as in time.strftime - `str`: Time will return as a string in ISO 8601 (YYYY-MM-DD_HH:MM:SS.mmmmmmZZZZ) - `None`: Will use the Session clock object's `defaultStyle` attribute Returns ------- str or float Time in format requested. """ return self.sessionClock.getTime(format=format)
[docs] def getExpInfoFromExperiment(self, key, sessionParams=True): """ Get the global-level expInfo object from one of this Session's experiments. This will contain all of the keys needed for this experiment, alongside their default values. Parameters ---------- key : str Key by which the experiment is stored (see `.addExperiment`). sessionParams : bool Should expInfo be extended with params from the Session, overriding experiment params where relevant (True, default)? Or return expInfo as it is in the experiment (False)? Returns ------- dict Experiment info dict """ # Get params from experiment expInfo = self.experiments[key].expInfo if sessionParams: # If alias of a key in params exists in expInfo, delete it for key in self.params.aliases: if key in expInfo: del expInfo[key] # Replace with Session params for key in self.params: expInfo[key] = self.params[key] return expInfo
[docs] def showExpInfoDlgFromExperiment(self, key, expInfo=None): """ Update expInfo for this Session via the 'showExpInfoDlg` method from one of this Session's experiments. Parameters ---------- key : str Key by which the experiment is stored (see `.addExperiment`). expInfo : dict Information about the experiment, created by the `setupExpInfo` function. Returns ------- bool or None True if the operation completed successfully """ if expInfo is None: expInfo = self.getExpInfoFromExperiment(key) # Run the expInfo method expInfo = self.experiments[key].showExpInfoDlg(expInfo=expInfo) return expInfo
[docs] def setCurrentExpInfoItem(self, key, value): """ Set the value of a key (or set of keys) from the current expInfo dict. Parameters ---------- key : str or Iterable[str] Key or list of keys whose value or values to set. value : object or Iterable[str] Value or values to set the key to. If one value is given along with multiple keys, all keys will be set to that value. Otherwise, the number of values should match the number of keys. Returns ------- bool True if operation completed successfully """ # get expInfo dict expInfo = self.getCurrentExpInfo() # return False if there is none if expInfo is False: return expInfo # wrap key in list if not isinstance(key, (list, tuple)): key = [key] # wrap value in a list and extend it to match length of key if not isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): value = [value] * len(key) # set values for subkey, subval in zip(key, value): expInfo[subkey] = subval
[docs] def getCurrentExpInfoItem(self, key): """ Get the value of a key (or set of keys) from the current expInfo dict. Parameters ---------- key : str or Iterable[str] Key or keys to get values of fro expInfo dict Returns ------- object, dict{str:object} or False If key was a string, the value of this key in expInfo. If key was a list of strings, a dict of key:value pairs for each key in the list. If no experiment is running or the process can't complete, False. """ # get expInfo dict expInfo = self.getCurrentExpInfo() # return False if there is none if expInfo is False: return expInfo # if given a single key, get it if key in expInfo: return expInfo[key] # if given a list of keys, get subset if isinstance(key, (list, tuple)): subset = {} for subkey in key: subset[subkey] = expInfo[subkey] return subset # if we've not returned yet, something is up, so return False return False
[docs] def updateCurrentExpInfo(self, other): """ Update key:value pairs in the current expInfo dict from another dict. Parameters ---------- other : dict key:value pairs to update dict from. Returns ------- bool True if operation completed successfully """ # get expInfo dict expInfo = self.getCurrentExpInfo() # return False if there is none if expInfo is False: return expInfo # set each key for key, value in other.items(): expInfo[key] = value return True
[docs] def getCurrentExpInfo(self): """ Get the `expInfo` dict for the currently running experiment. Returns ------- dict or False The `expInfo` for the currently running experiment, or False if no experiment is running. """ # if no experiment is currently running, return False if self.currentExperiment is None: return False # get expInfo from ExperimentHandler object return self.currentExperiment.extraInfo
@property def win(self): """ Window associated with this Session. Defined as a property so as to be accessible from Liaison if needed. """ return self._win @win.setter def win(self, value): self._win = value
[docs] def setupWindowFromExperiment(self, key, expInfo=None, blocking=True): """ Setup the window for this Session via the 'setupWindow` method from one of this Session's experiments. Parameters ---------- key : str Key by which the experiment is stored (see `.addExperiment`). expInfo : dict Information about the experiment, created by the `setupExpInfo` function. blocking : bool Should calling this method block the current thread? If True (default), the method runs as normal and won't return until completed. If False, the method is added to a `queue` and will be run by the while loop within `Session.start`. This will block the main thread, but won't block the thread this method was called from. If not using multithreading, this value is ignored. If you don't know what multithreading is, you probably aren't using it - it's difficult to do by accident! Returns ------- bool or None True if the operation completed/queued successfully """ # If not in main thread and not requested blocking, use queue and return now if threading.current_thread() != threading.main_thread() and not blocking: # The queue is emptied each iteration of the while loop in `Session.start` _queue.queueTask( self.setupWindowFromExperiment, key, expInfo=expInfo ) return True if expInfo is None: expInfo = self.getExpInfoFromExperiment(key) # Run the setupWindow method = self.experiments[key].setupWindow(expInfo=expInfo, # Set window title to signify that we're in a Session = "PsychoPy Session" return True
[docs] def setupWindowFromParams(self, params, measureFrameRate=False, blocking=True): """ Create/setup a window from a dict of parameters Parameters ---------- params : dict Dict of parameters to create the window from, keys should be from the __init__ signature of psychopy.visual.Window measureFrameRate : bool If True, will measure frame rate upon window creation. blocking : bool Should calling this method block the current thread? If True (default), the method runs as normal and won't return until completed. If False, the method is added to a `queue` and will be run by the while loop within `Session.start`. This will block the main thread, but won't block the thread this method was called from. If not using multithreading, this value is ignored. If you don't know what multithreading is, you probably aren't using it - it's difficult to do by accident! Returns ------- bool or None True if the operation completed/queued successfully """ # If not in main thread and not requested blocking, use queue and return now if threading.current_thread() != threading.main_thread() and not blocking: # The queue is emptied each iteration of the while loop in `Session.start` _queue.queueTask( self.setupWindowFromParams, params ) return True if is None: # If win is None, make a Window from psychopy.visual import Window = Window(**params) "Waiting to start..." )) else: # otherwise, just set the attributes which are safe to set = params.get('color', = params.get('colorSpace', = params.get('backgroundImage', = params.get('backgroundFit', = params.get('units', # Set window title to signify that we're in a Session = "PsychoPy Session" # Measure frame rate if measureFrameRate: expInfo = self.getCurrentExpInfo() expInfo['frameRate'] = return True
[docs] def getFrameRate(self, retest=False): """ Get the frame rate from the window. Parameters ---------- retest : bool If True, then will always run the frame rate test again, even if measured frame rate is already available. Returns ------- float Frame rate retrieved from Session window. """ # if asked to, or if not yet measured, measure framerate if retest or is None: = # return from Window object return
[docs] def setupInputsFromExperiment(self, key, expInfo=None, thisExp=None, blocking=True): """ Deprecated: legacy alias of setupDevicesFromExperiment """ self.setupDevicesFromExperiment(key, expInfo=expInfo, thisExp=thisExp, blocking=blocking)
[docs] def setupDevicesFromExperiment(self, key, expInfo=None, thisExp=None, blocking=True): """ Setup inputs for this Session via the 'setupInputs` method from one of this Session's experiments. Parameters ---------- key : str Key by which the experiment is stored (see `.addExperiment`). expInfo : dict Information about the experiment, created by the `setupExpInfo` function. thisExp : Handler object for this experiment, contains the data to save and information about where to save it to. blocking : bool Should calling this method block the current thread? If True (default), the method runs as normal and won't return until completed. If False, the method is added to a `queue` and will be run by the while loop within `Session.start`. This will block the main thread, but won't block the thread this method was called from. If not using multithreading, this value is ignored. If you don't know what multithreading is, you probably aren't using it - it's difficult to do by accident! Returns ------- bool or None True if the operation completed/queued successfully """ # If not in main thread and not requested blocking, use queue and return now if threading.current_thread() != threading.main_thread() and not blocking: # The queue is emptied each iteration of the while loop in `Session.start` _queue.queueTask( self.setupDevicesFromExperiment, key, expInfo=expInfo ) return True if expInfo is None: expInfo = self.getExpInfoFromExperiment(key) # store current devices dict ogDevices = DeviceManager.devices.copy() # run the setupDevices method self.experiments[key].setupDevices(expInfo=expInfo, thisExp=thisExp, # reinstate any original devices which were overwritten for key, obj in ogDevices.items(): DeviceManager.devices[key] = obj return True
[docs] def addKeyboardFromParams(self, name, params, blocking=True): """ Add a keyboard to this session's inputs dict from a dict of params. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of this input, what to store it under in the inputs dict. params : dict Dict of parameters to create the keyboard from, keys should be from the `addKeyboard` function in hardware.DeviceManager blocking : bool Should calling this method block the current thread? If True (default), the method runs as normal and won't return until completed. If False, the method is added to a `queue` and will be run by the while loop within `Session.start`. This will block the main thread, but won't block the thread this method was called from. If not using multithreading, this value is ignored. If you don't know what multithreading is, you probably aren't using it - it's difficult to do by accident! Returns ------- bool or None True if the operation completed/queued successfully """ # If not in main thread and not requested blocking, use queue and return now if threading.current_thread() != threading.main_thread() and not blocking: # The queue is emptied each iteration of the while loop in `Session.start` _queue.queueTask( self.addKeyboardFromParams, name, params ) return True # Create keyboard deviceManager.addKeyboard(*params) return True
[docs] def getRequiredDeviceNamesFromExperiment(self, key): """ Get a list of device names referenced in a given experiment. Parameters ---------- key : str Key by which the experiment is stored (see `.addExperiment`). Returns ------- list[str] List of device names """ # get an experiment object exp = self.experimentObjects[key] if exp is None: raise ValueError( f"Device names are not available for experiments added to Session directly as a " f".py file." ) # get ready to store usages usages = {} def _process(name, emt): """ Process an element (Component or Routine) for device names and append them to the usages dict. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of this element in Builder emt : Component or Routine Element to process """ # if we have a device name for this element... if "deviceLabel" in emt.params: # get init value so it lines up with boilerplate code inits = experiment.getInitVals(emt.params) # get value deviceName = inits['deviceLabel'].val # if deviceName exists from other elements, add usage to it if deviceName in usages: usages[deviceName].append(name) else: usages[deviceName] = [name] # iterate through routines for rtName, rt in exp.routines.items(): if isinstance(rt, experiment.routines.BaseStandaloneRoutine): # for standalone routines, get device names from params _process(rtName, rt) else: # for regular routines, get device names from each component for comp in rt: _process(, comp) return list(usages)
[docs] def runExperiment(self, key, expInfo=None, blocking=True): """ Run the `setupData` and `run` methods from one of this Session's experiments. Parameters ---------- key : str Key by which the experiment is stored (see `.addExperiment`). expInfo : dict Information about the experiment, created by the `setupExpInfo` function. blocking : bool Should calling this method block the current thread? If True (default), the method runs as normal and won't return until completed. If False, the method is added to a `queue` and will be run by the while loop within `Session.start`. This will block the main thread, but won't block the thread this method was called from. If not using multithreading, this value is ignored. If you don't know what multithreading is, you probably aren't using it - it's difficult to do by accident! Returns ------- bool or None True if the operation completed/queued successfully """ err = None # If not in main thread and not requested blocking, use queue and return now if threading.current_thread() != threading.main_thread() and not blocking: # The queue is emptied each iteration of the while loop in `Session.start` _queue.queueTask( self.runExperiment, key, expInfo=expInfo ) return True if expInfo is None: expInfo = self.getExpInfoFromExperiment(key) # Setup data for this experiment thisExp = self.experiments[key].setupData(expInfo=expInfo, dataDir=str(self.dataDir)) = key # Mark ExperimentHandler as current self.currentExperiment = thisExp # Make sure we have at least one response device if "defaultKeyboard" not in DeviceManager.devices: DeviceManager.addDevice( deviceClass="psychopy.hardware.keyboard.KeyboardDevice", deviceName="defaultKeyboard" ) # Hide Window message # Setup window for this experiment self.setupWindowFromExperiment(expInfo=expInfo, key=key) # Hold all autodraw stimuli # Pause the listener loop listenerLoop.pause() # Setup logging self.experiments[key].run.__globals__['logFile'] = self.logFile # Log start "Running experiment via Session: name={key}, expInfo={expInfo}" ).format(key=key, expInfo=expInfo)) # Run this experiment try: self.experiments[key].run( expInfo=expInfo, thisExp=thisExp,, globalClock=self.sessionClock, thisSession=self ) except Exception as _err: err = _err err.userdata = key # Reinstate autodraw stimuli # Restart the listener loop listenerLoop.pause() # Restore original chdir os.chdir(str(self.root)) # Store ExperimentHandler self.runs.append(thisExp) # Save data self.saveCurrentExperimentData() # Mark ExperimentHandler as no longer current self.currentExperiment = None # Display waiting text "Waiting to start..." )) = "grey" # Raise any errors now if err is not None: raise err # Log finished and flush logs "Finished running experiment via Session: name={key}, expInfo={expInfo}" ).format(key=key, expInfo=expInfo)) logging.flush() # Send finished data to liaison if is not None: self.sendToLiaison({ 'type': "experiment_status", 'name':, 'status': thisExp.status, 'expInfo': expInfo }) return True
[docs] def pauseExperiment(self): """ Pause the currently running experiment. Returns ------- bool or None True if the operation completed successfully """ # warn and return failed if no experiment is running if self.currentExperiment is None: logging.warn( _translate("Could not pause experiment as there is none " "running.") ) return False # set ExperimentHandler status to PAUSED self.currentExperiment.pause() return True
[docs] def resumeExperiment(self): """ Resume the currently paused experiment. Returns ------- bool or None True if the operation completed successfully """ # warn and return failed if no experiment is running if self.currentExperiment is None: logging.warn( _translate("Could not resume experiment as there is none " "running or paused.") ) return False # set ExperimentHandler status to STARTED self.currentExperiment.resume() return True
[docs] def stopExperiment(self): """ Stop the currently running experiment. Returns ------- bool or None True if the operation completed successfully """ # warn and return failed if no experiment is running if self.currentExperiment is None: logging.warn( _translate("Could not stop experiment as there is none " "running.") ) return False self.currentExperiment.stop() return True
# def recycleTrial(self, thisExp, trial): # pass
[docs] def saveExperimentData(self, key, thisExp=None, blocking=True): """ Run the `saveData` method from one of this Session's experiments, on a given ExperimentHandler. Parameters ---------- key : str Key by which the experiment is stored (see `.addExperiment`). thisExp : ExperimentHandler object to save the data from. If None, save the last run of the given experiment. blocking : bool Should calling this method block the current thread? If True (default), the method runs as normal and won't return until completed. If False, the method is added to a `queue` and will be run by the while loop within `Session.start`. This will block the main thread, but won't block the thread this method was called from. If not using multithreading, this value is ignored. If you don't know what multithreading is, you probably aren't using it - it's difficult to do by accident! Returns ------- bool or None True if the operation completed/queued successfully """ # If not in main thread and not requested blocking, use queue and return now if threading.current_thread() != threading.main_thread() and not blocking: # The queue is emptied each iteration of the while loop in `Session.start` _queue.queueTask( self.saveExperimentData, key, thisExp=thisExp ) return True # get last run if thisExp is None: # copy list of runs in reverse runs = self.runs.copy() runs.reverse() # iterate through runs, starting at the end for run in runs: # use the first run to match given exp if == key: thisExp = run break # save to Session folder self.experiments[key].saveData(thisExp) return True
[docs] def saveCurrentExperimentData(self, blocking=True): """ Call `.saveExperimentData` on the currently running experiment - if there is one. Parameters ---------- blocking : bool Should calling this method block the current thread? If True (default), the method runs as normal and won't return until completed. If False, the method is added to a `queue` and will be run by the while loop within `Session.start`. This will block the main thread, but won't block the thread this method was called from. If not using multithreading, this value is ignored. If you don't know what multithreading is, you probably aren't using it - it's difficult to do by accident! Returns ------- bool or None True if the operation completed/queued successfully, False if there was no current experiment running """ if self.currentExperiment is None: return False return self.saveExperimentData(, thisExp=self.currentExperiment, blocking=blocking )
[docs] def addAnnotation(self, value): """ Add an annotation in the data file at the current point in the experiment and to the log. Parameters ---------- value : str Value of the annotation Returns ------- bool True if completed successfully """ # add to experiment data if there's one running if hasattr(self.currentExperiment, "addAnnotation"): # annotate self.currentExperiment.addAnnotation(value) # log regardless return True
[docs] def addData(self, name, value, row=None, priority=None): """ Add data in the data file at the current point in the experiment, and to the log. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the column to add data as. value : any Value to add row : int or None Row in which to add this data. Leave as None to add to the current entry. priority : int Priority value to set the column to - higher priority columns appear nearer to the start of the data file. Use values from `constants.priority` as landmark values: - CRITICAL: Always at the start of the data file, generally reserved for Routine start times - HIGH: Important columns which are near the front of the data file - MEDIUM: Possibly important columns which are around the middle of the data file - LOW: Columns unlikely to be important which are at the end of the data file - EXCLUDE: Always at the end of the data file, actively marked as unimportant Returns ------- bool True if completed successfully """ # add to experiment data if there's one running if hasattr(self.currentExperiment, "addData"): # add self.currentExperiment.addData(name, value, row=row, priority=priority) # log regardless"NAME={name}, PRIORITY={priority}, VALUE={value}") return True
[docs] def sendExperimentData(self, key=None): """ Send last ExperimentHandler for an experiment to liaison. If no experiment is given, sends the currently running experiment. Parameters ---------- key : str or None Name of the experiment whose data to send, or None to send the current experiment's data. Returns ------- bool True if data was sent, otherwise False """ # Skip if there's no liaison if is None: return # Sub None for current if key is None and self.currentExperiment is not None: key = elif key is None: key = self.runs[-1].name # Get list of runs (including current) runs = self.runs.copy() if self.currentExperiment is not None: runs.append(self.currentExperiment) # Get last experiment data for run in reversed(runs): if == key: # Send experiment data self.sendToLiaison(run) return True # Return False if nothing sent return False
[docs] def sendToLiaison(self, value): """ Send data to this Session's `Liaison` object. Parameters ---------- value : str, dict, Data to send - this can either be a single string, a dict of strings, or an ExperimentHandler (whose data will be sent) Returns ------- bool or None True if the operation completed successfully """ if is None: logging.warn(_translate( "Could not send data to liaison server as none is initialised for this Session." )) return # If ExperimentHandler, get its data as a list of dicts if isinstance(value, data.ExperimentHandler): value = value.getJSON(priorityThreshold=self.priorityThreshold) # Send
[docs] def close(self, blocking=True): """ Safely close and delete the current session. Parameters ---------- blocking : bool Should calling this method block the current thread? If True (default), the method runs as normal and won't return until completed. If False, the method is added to a `queue` and will be run by the while loop within `Session.start`. This will block the main thread, but won't block the thread this method was called from. If not using multithreading, this value is ignored. If you don't know what multithreading is, you probably aren't using it - it's difficult to do by accident! """ # If not in main thread and not requested blocking, use queue and return now if threading.current_thread() != threading.main_thread() and not blocking: # The queue is emptied each iteration of the while loop in `Session.start` _queue.queueTask( self.close ) return True # remove self from queue if self in _queue.sessions: self.stop() # if there is a Liaison object, re-register Session class if is not None:, "session") # close any windows if is not None: = None # flush any remaining logs and kill reference to log file self.logFile.logger.flush() self.logFile.logger.removeTarget(self.logFile) # delete self del self return True
if __name__ == "__main__": """ Create a Session with parameters passed by command line. Parameters ---------- --root Root directory for the Session --host Port address of host server (if any) --timing How to handle timing, can be either: - "float": Start a timer when Session is created and do timing relative to that (default) - "iso": Do timing via wall clock in ISO 8601 format - any valid strftime string: Do timing via wall clock in the given format --session-data-dir Folder to store all data from this Session in, including the log file. """ # Parse args import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--host", dest="host") args, _ = parser.parse_known_args() if ":" in str( host, port = str(":") # Import liaison from psychopy import liaison # Create liaison server liaisonServer = liaison.WebSocketServer() # Add DeviceManager to liaison server liaisonServer.registerClass(DeviceManager, "DeviceManager") # Add session to liaison server liaisonServer.registerClass(Session, "session") # Register queue with liaison liaisonServer.registerMethods(_queue, "SessionQueue") # Create thread to run liaison server in liaisonThread = threading.Thread( target=liaisonServer.start, kwargs={ 'host': host, 'port': port, } ) # Start liaison server liaisonThread.start() # Start processing script queue _queue.start() else: liaisonServer = None

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