.. _formattedStrings: Generating formatted strings ================================ A formatted string is a variable which has been converted into a string (text). In python the specifics of how this is done is determined by what kind of variable you want to print. Example 1: You have an experiment which generates a string variable called `text`. You want to insert this variable into a string so you can print it. This would be achieved with the following code:: message = 'The result is %s' %(text) This will produce a variable `message` which if used in a text object would print the phrase 'The result is' followed by the variable `text`. In this instance %s is used as the variable being entered is a string. This is a marker which tells the script where the variable should be entered. `%text` tells the script which variable should be entered there. Multiple formatted strings (of potentially different types) can be entered into one string object:: longMessage = 'Well done %s that took %0.3f seconds' %(info['name'], time) Some of the handy formatted string types:: >>> x=5 >>> x1=5124 >>> z='someText' >>> 'show %s' %(z) 'show someText' >>> '%0.1f' %(x) #will show as a float to one decimal place '5.0' >>> '%3i' %(x) #an integer, at least 3 chars wide, padded with spaces ' 5' >>> '%03i' %(x) #as above but pad with zeros (good for participant numbers) '005' See the `python documentation `_ for a more complete list.