Source code for psychopy.gui.qtgui

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# To build simple dialogues etc. (requires pyqt4)
#  Part of the PsychoPy library
# Copyright (C) 2002-2018 Jonathan Peirce (C) 2019-2024 Open Science Tools Ltd.
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL).
import importlib
from psychopy import logging, data
from . import util

haveQt = False  # until we confirm otherwise
importOrder = ['PyQt6', 'PyQt5']

for libname in importOrder:
        haveQt = libname
        logging.debug(f"psychopy.gui is using {haveQt}")
    except ModuleNotFoundError:

if not haveQt:
    # do the main import again not in a try...except to recreate error
    import PyQt6
elif haveQt == 'PyQt6':
    from PyQt6 import QtWidgets
    from PyQt6 import QtGui
    from PyQt6.QtCore import Qt
elif haveQt == 'PyQt5':
    from PyQt5 import QtWidgets
    from PyQt5 import QtGui
    from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt

from psychopy import logging
import numpy as np
import os
import sys
import json
from psychopy.localization import _translate

qtapp = QtWidgets.QApplication.instance()

def ensureQtApp():
    global qtapp
    # make sure there's a QApplication prior to showing a gui, e.g., for expInfo
    # dialog
    if qtapp is None:
        qtapp = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv)
        qtapp.setStyle('Fusion')  # use this to avoid annoying PyQt bug with OK being greyed-out

wasMouseVisible = True

class ReadmoreCtrl(QtWidgets.QLabel):
    A linked label which shows/hides a set of control on click.
    def __init__(self, parent, label=""):
        QtWidgets.QLabel.__init__(self, parent)
        # set initial state and label
        self.state = False
        self.label = label
        # array to store linked ctrls
        self.linkedCtrls = []
        # bind onclick

    def updateLabel(self):
        Update label so that e.g. arrow matches current state.
        # reset label to its own value to refresh

    def setLabel(self, label=""):
        Set the label of this ctrl (will append arrow and necessary HTML for a link)
        # store label root
        self.label = label
        # choose an arrow according to state
        if self.state:
            arrow = "▾"
            arrow = "▸"
        # construct text to set
        text = f"<a href='.' style='color: black; text-decoration: none;'>{arrow} {label}</a>"
        # set label text

    def onToggle(self, evt=None):
        Toggle visibility of linked ctrls. Called on press.
        # toggle state
        self.state = not self.state
        # show/hide linked ctrls according to state
        for ctrl in self.linkedCtrls:
            if self.state:
        # update label
        # resize dlg

    def linkCtrl(self, ctrl):
        Connect a ctrl to this ReadmoreCtrl such that it's shown/hidden on toggle.
        # add to array of linked ctrls
        # show/hide according to own state
        if self.state:
        # resize dlg

[docs]class Dlg(QtWidgets.QDialog): """A simple dialogue box. You can add text or input boxes (sequentially) and then retrieve the values. see also the function *dlgFromDict* for an **even simpler** version **Example** .. code-block:: python from psychopy import gui myDlg = gui.Dlg(title="JWP's experiment") myDlg.addText('Subject info') myDlg.addField('Name:') myDlg.addField('Age:', 21) myDlg.addText('Experiment Info') myDlg.addField('Grating Ori:',45) myDlg.addField('Group:', choices=["Test", "Control"]) ok_data = # show dialog and wait for OK or Cancel if myDlg.OK: # or if ok_data is not None print(ok_data) else: print('user cancelled') """ def __init__(self, title=_translate('PsychoPy Dialog'), pos=None, size=None, style=None, labelButtonOK=_translate(" OK "), labelButtonCancel=_translate(" Cancel "), screen=-1, alwaysOnTop=False): ensureQtApp() QtWidgets.QDialog.__init__(self, None) self.inputFields = [] self.inputFieldTypes = {} self.inputFieldNames = [] = {} self.irow = 0 self.pos = pos # QtWidgets.QToolTip.setFont(QtGui.QFont('SansSerif', 10)) # set always stay on top if alwaysOnTop: self.setWindowFlags(Qt.WindowType.WindowStaysOnTopHint) # add buttons for OK and Cancel buttons = QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox.StandardButton.Ok | QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox.StandardButton.Cancel self.buttonBox = QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox(buttons, parent=self) self.buttonBox.accepted.connect(self.accept) self.buttonBox.rejected.connect(self.reject) # store references to OK and CANCEL buttons self.okBtn = self.buttonBox.button(QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox.StandardButton.Ok) self.cancelBtn = self.buttonBox.button(QtWidgets.QDialogButtonBox.StandardButton.Cancel) if style: raise RuntimeWarning("Dlg does not currently support the " "style kwarg.") self.size = size if haveQt in ['PyQt5', 'PyQt6']: nScreens = len(qtapp.screens()) else: nScreens = QtWidgets.QDesktopWidget().screenCount() self.screen = -1 if screen >= nScreens else screen # self.labelButtonOK = labelButtonOK # self.labelButtonCancel = labelButtonCancel self.layout = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() self.layout.setSpacing(10) self.layout.setColumnMinimumWidth(1, 250) # add placeholder for readmore control sizer self.readmore = None # add message about required fields (shown/hidden by validate) msg = _translate("Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.") self.requiredMsg = QtWidgets.QLabel(text=msg, parent=self) self.layout.addWidget(self.requiredMsg, 0, 0, 1, -1) self.irow += 1 self.setLayout(self.layout) self.setWindowTitle(title) def addText(self, text, color='', isFieldLabel=False): textLabel = QtWidgets.QLabel(text, parent=self) if len(color): textLabel.setStyleSheet("color: {0};".format(color)) if isFieldLabel is True: self.layout.addWidget(textLabel, self.irow, 0, 1, 1) else: self.layout.addWidget(textLabel, self.irow, 0, 1, 2) self.irow += 1 return textLabel
[docs] def addField(self, key, label='', initial='', color='', choices=None, tip='', required=False, enabled=True): """Adds a (labelled) input field to the dialogue box, optional text color and tooltip. If 'initial' is a bool, a checkbox will be created. If 'choices' is a list or tuple, a dropdown selector is created. Otherwise, a text line entry box is created. Returns a handle to the field (but not to the label). """ self.inputFieldNames.append(label) if choices: self.inputFieldTypes[label] = str else: self.inputFieldTypes[label] = type(initial) if type(initial) == np.ndarray: initial = initial.tolist() # create label inputLabel = self.addText(label, color, isFieldLabel=True) # create input control if type(initial) == bool and not choices:[key] = initial inputBox = QtWidgets.QCheckBox(parent=self) inputBox.setChecked(initial) def handleCheckboxChange(new_state):[key] = inputBox.isChecked() msg = "handleCheckboxChange: inputFieldName={0}, checked={1}" logging.debug(msg.format(label,[key])) inputBox.stateChanged.connect(handleCheckboxChange) elif not choices:[key] = initial inputBox = QtWidgets.QLineEdit(str(initial), parent=self) def handleLineEditChange(new_text): ix = self.inputFields.index(inputBox) name = self.inputFieldNames[ix] thisType = self.inputFieldTypes[name] try: if thisType in (str, bytes):[key] = str(new_text) elif thisType == tuple: jtext = "[" + str(new_text) + "]"[key] = json.loads(jtext)[0] elif thisType == list: jtext = "[" + str(new_text) + "]"[key] = json.loads(jtext)[0] elif thisType == float:[key] = float(new_text) elif thisType == int:[key] = int(new_text) elif thisType == dict: jtext = "[" + str(new_text) + "]"[key] = json.loads(jtext)[0] elif thisType == np.ndarray:[key] = np.array( json.loads("[" + str(new_text) + "]")[0]) else:[key] = new_text msg = ("Unknown type in handleLineEditChange: " "inputFieldName={0}, type={1}, value={2}") logging.warning(msg.format(label, thisType,[ix])) msg = ("handleLineEditChange: inputFieldName={0}, " "type={1}, value={2}") logging.debug(msg.format(label, thisType,[key])) except Exception as e:[key] = str(new_text) msg = ('Error in handleLineEditChange: inputFieldName=' '{0}, type={1}, value={2}, error={3}') logging.error(msg.format(label, thisType,[key], e)) self.validate() inputBox.textEdited.connect(handleLineEditChange) else: inputBox = QtWidgets.QComboBox(parent=self) choices = list(choices) for i, option in enumerate(choices): inputBox.addItem(str(option)) # inputBox.addItems([unicode(option) for option in choices]) inputBox.setItemData(i, (option,)) if (isinstance(initial, (int, int)) and len(choices) > initial >= 0): pass elif initial in choices: initial = choices.index(initial) else: initial = 0 inputBox.setCurrentIndex(initial)[key] = choices[initial] def handleCurrentIndexChanged(new_index): ix = self.inputFields.index(inputBox) try:[key] = inputBox.itemData(new_index).toPyObject()[0] except AttributeError:[key] = inputBox.itemData(new_index)[0] msg = ("handleCurrentIndexChanged: inputFieldName={0}, " "selected={1}, type: {2}") logging.debug(msg.format(label,[key], type([key]))) inputBox.currentIndexChanged.connect(handleCurrentIndexChanged) # set required (attribute is checked later by validate fcn) inputBox.required = required if len(color): inputBox.setPalette(inputLabel.palette()) if len(tip): inputBox.setToolTip(tip) inputBox.setEnabled(enabled) self.layout.addWidget(inputBox, self.irow, 1) # link to readmore ctrl if we're in one if self.readmore is not None: self.readmore.linkCtrl(inputBox) self.readmore.linkCtrl(inputLabel) self.inputFields.append(inputBox) # store this to get data back on OK self.irow += 1 return inputBox
[docs] def addFixedField(self, key, label='', initial='', color='', choices=None, tip=''): """Adds a field to the dialog box (like addField) but the field cannot be edited. e.g. Display experiment version. """ return self.addField(key, label, initial, color, choices, tip, enabled=False)
def addReadmoreCtrl(self): line = ReadmoreCtrl(self, label=_translate("Configuration fields...")) self.layout.addWidget(line, self.irow, 0, 1, 2) self.irow += 1 self.enterReadmoreCtrl(line) return line def enterReadmoreCtrl(self, ctrl): self.readmore = ctrl def exitReadmoreCtrl(self): self.readmore = None def display(self): """Presents the dialog and waits for the user to press OK or CANCEL. If user presses OK button, function returns a list containing the updated values coming from each of the input fields created. Otherwise, None is returned. :return: """ return self.exec_()
[docs] def validate(self): """ Make sure that required fields have a value. """ # start off assuming valid valid = True # start off assuming no required fields hasRequired = False # iterate through fields for field in self.inputFields: # if field isn't required, skip if not field.required: continue # if we got this far, we have a required field hasRequired = True # validation is only relevant for text fields, others have defaults if not isinstance(field, QtWidgets.QLineEdit): continue # check that we have text if not len(field.text()): valid = False # if not valid, disable OK button self.okBtn.setEnabled(valid) # show required message if we have any required fields if hasRequired: else: self.requiredMsg.hide()
[docs] def show(self): """Presents the dialog and waits for the user to press OK or CANCEL. If user presses OK button, function returns a list containing the updated values coming from each of the input fields created. Otherwise, None is returned. :return: """ # NB # # ** QDialog already has a show() method. So this method calls # and then exec_(). This seems to not cause issues # but we need to keep an eye out for any in future. return self.display()
def exec_(self): """Presents the dialog and waits for the user to press OK or CANCEL. If user presses OK button, function returns a list containing the updated values coming from each of the input fields created. Otherwise, None is returned. """ self.layout.addWidget(self.buttonBox, self.irow, 0, 1, 2) if self.pos is None: # Center Dialog on appropriate screen frameGm = self.frameGeometry() if self.screen <= 0: qtscreen = QtGui.QGuiApplication.primaryScreen() else: qtscreen = self.screen centerPoint = qtscreen.availableGeometry().center() frameGm.moveCenter(centerPoint) self.move(frameGm.topLeft()) else: self.move(self.pos[0], self.pos[1]) self.raise_() self.activateWindow() if self.inputFields: self.inputFields[0].setFocus() self.OK = False if QtWidgets.QDialog.exec(self): # == QtWidgets.QDialog.accepted: self.OK = True return
[docs]class DlgFromDict(Dlg): """Creates a dialogue box that represents a dictionary of values. Any values changed by the user are change (in-place) by this dialogue box. Parameters ---------- dictionary : dict A dictionary defining the input fields (keys) and pre-filled values (values) for the user dialog title : str The title of the dialog window labels : dict A dictionary defining labels (values) to be displayed instead of key strings (keys) defined in `dictionary`. Not all keys in `dictionary` need to be contained in labels. fixed : list A list of keys for which the values shall be displayed in non-editable fields order : list A list of keys defining the display order of keys in `dictionary`. If not all keys in `dictionary`` are contained in `order`, those will appear in random order after all ordered keys. tip : list A dictionary assigning tooltips to the keys screen : int Screen number where the Dialog is displayed. If -1, the Dialog will be displayed on the primary screen. sortKeys : bool A boolean flag indicating that keys are to be sorted alphabetically. copyDict : bool If False, modify `dictionary` in-place. If True, a copy of the dictionary is created, and the altered version (after user interaction) can be retrieved from :attr:~`psychopy.gui.DlgFromDict.dictionary`. labels : dict A dictionary defining labels (dict values) to be displayed instead of key strings (dict keys) defined in `dictionary`. Not all keys in `dictionary´ need to be contained in labels. show : bool Whether to immediately display the dialog upon instantiation. If False, it can be displayed at a later time by calling its `show()` method. e.g.: :: info = {'Observer':'jwp', 'GratingOri':45, 'ExpVersion': 1.1, 'Group': ['Test', 'Control']} infoDlg = gui.DlgFromDict(dictionary=info, title='TestExperiment', fixed=['ExpVersion']) if infoDlg.OK: print(info) else: print('User Cancelled') In the code above, the contents of *info* will be updated to the values returned by the dialogue box. If the user cancels (rather than pressing OK), then the dictionary remains unchanged. If you want to check whether the user hit OK, then check whether DlgFromDict.OK equals True or False See for a usage demo, including order and tip (tooltip). """ def __init__(self, dictionary, title='', fixed=None, order=None, tip=None, screen=-1, sortKeys=True, copyDict=False, labels=None, show=True, alwaysOnTop=False): # Note: As of 2023.2.0, we do not allow sort_keys or copy_dict Dlg.__init__(self, title, screen=screen, alwaysOnTop=alwaysOnTop) if copyDict: self.dictionary = dictionary.copy() else: self.dictionary = dictionary # initialise storage attributes self._labels = [] self._keys = [] # convert to a list of params params = util.makeDisplayParams( self.dictionary, sortKeys=sortKeys, labels=labels, tooltips=tip, order=order, fixed=fixed ) # make ctrls for param in params: # if param is the readmore button, add it and continue if param == "---": self.addReadmoreCtrl() continue # add asterisk to label if needed if "req" in param['flags'] and "*" not in param['label']: param['label'] += "*" # store attributes from this param self._labels.append(param['label']) self._keys.append(param['key']) # make ctrls if "hid" in param['flags']: # don't add anything if it's hidden pass elif "fix" in param['flags']: self.addFixedField( param['key'], label=param['label'], initial=param['value'], tip=param['tip'] ) elif isinstance(param['value'], (list, tuple)): self.addField( param['key'], choices=param['value'], label=param['label'], tip=param['tip'], required="req" in param['flags'] ) else: self.addField( param['key'], initial=param['value'], label=param['label'], tip=param['tip'], required="req" in param['flags'] ) # validate so the required message is shown/hidden as appropriate self.validate() if show:
[docs] def show(self): """Display the dialog. """ data = self.exec_() if data is not None: self.dictionary.update(data) return self.dictionary
[docs]def fileSaveDlg(initFilePath="", initFileName="", prompt=_translate("Select file to save"), allowed=None): """A simple dialogue allowing write access to the file system. (Useful in case you collect an hour of data and then try to save to a non-existent directory!!) :parameters: initFilePath: string default file path on which to open the dialog initFileName: string default file name, as suggested file prompt: string (default "Select file to open") can be set to custom prompts allowed: string a string to specify file filters. e.g. "Text files (\\*.txt) ;; Image files (\\*.bmp \\*.gif)" See #getSaveFileName for further details If initFilePath or initFileName are empty or invalid then current path and empty names are used to start search. If user cancels the None is returned. """ if allowed is None: allowed = ("All files (*.*);;" "txt (*.txt);;" "pickled files (*.pickle *.pkl);;" "shelved files (*.shelf)") ensureQtApp() fdir = os.path.join(initFilePath, initFileName) pathOut = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(parent=None, caption=prompt, directory=fdir, filter=allowed) if type(pathOut) == tuple: # some versions(?) of PyQt return (files, filter) pathOut = pathOut[0] if len(pathOut) == 0: return None return str(pathOut) or None
[docs]def fileOpenDlg(tryFilePath="", tryFileName="", prompt=_translate("Select file to open"), allowed=None): """A simple dialogue allowing read access to the file system. :parameters: tryFilePath: string default file path on which to open the dialog tryFileName: string default file name, as suggested file prompt: string (default "Select file to open") can be set to custom prompts allowed: string (available since v1.62.01) a string to specify file filters. e.g. "Text files (\\*.txt) ;; Image files (\\*.bmp \\*.gif)" See #getOpenFileNames for further details If tryFilePath or tryFileName are empty or invalid then current path and empty names are used to start search. If user cancels, then None is returned. """ ensureQtApp() if allowed is None: allowed = ("All files (*.*);;" "PsychoPy Data (*.psydat);;" "txt (*.txt *.dlm *.csv);;" "pickled files (*.pickle *.pkl);;" "shelved files (*.shelf)") fdir = os.path.join(tryFilePath, tryFileName) filesToOpen = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getOpenFileNames(parent=None, caption=prompt, directory=fdir, filter=allowed) if type(filesToOpen) == tuple: # some versions(?) of PyQt return (files, filter) filesToOpen = filesToOpen[0] filesToOpen = [str(fpath) for fpath in filesToOpen if os.path.exists(fpath)] if len(filesToOpen) == 0: return None return filesToOpen
def infoDlg(title=_translate("Information"), prompt=None): ensureQtApp() _pr = _translate("No details provided. ('prompt' value not set).") QtWidgets.QMessageBox.information(None, title, prompt or _pr) def warnDlg(title=_translate("Warning"), prompt=None): ensureQtApp() _pr = _translate("No details provided. ('prompt' value not set).") QtWidgets.QMessageBox.warning(None, title, prompt or _pr) def criticalDlg(title=_translate("Critical"), prompt=None): ensureQtApp() _pr = _translate("No details provided. ('prompt' value not set).") QtWidgets.QMessageBox.critical(None, title, prompt or _pr) def aboutDlg(title=_translate("About Experiment"), prompt=None): ensureQtApp() _pr = _translate("No details provided. ('prompt' value not set).") QtWidgets.QMessageBox.about(None, title, prompt or _pr) # Psychopy pyglet window show / hide util functions def hideWindow(win): global wasMouseVisible if win.winHandle._visible is True: wasMouseVisible = win.mouseVisible win.setMouseVisible(True, log=False) win.winHandle.minimize() def showWindow(win): global wasMouseVisible if win.winHandle._visible is False: win.setMouseVisible(wasMouseVisible, log=False) win.winHandle.maximize() win.winHandle.set_visible(True) win.winHandle.activate() if __name__ == '__main__': # Local manual test cases for dialog types.... logging.console.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # from psychopy import visual, event # Create, and hide, a full screen psychopy window # win = visual.Window([1024, 768], # fullscr=True, # allowGUI=False, # screen=0) # hideWindow(win) # Test base Dlg class dlg = Dlg() dlg.addText("This is a line of text", color="Red") dlg.addText("Second line of text") dlg.addField("A checkbox", initial=True, tip="Here is your checkbox tip!") dlg.addField("Another checkbox", initial=False, color="Blue") dlg.addFixedField("ReadOnly checkbox", initial=False, color="Blue", tip="This field is readonly.") dlg.addField("A textline", initial="", tip="Here is your <b>textline</b> tip!") dlg.addField("A Number:", initial=23, tip="This must be a number.") dlg.addField("A List:", initial=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], tip="This must be a list.") dlg.addField("A ndarray:", initial=np.asarray([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]), tip="This must be a numpy array.") dlg.addField("Another textline", initial="default text", color="Green") dlg.addFixedField("ReadOnly textline", initial="default text", tip="This field is readonly.") dlg.addField("A dropdown", initial='B', choices=['A', 'B', 'C'], tip="Here is your <b>dropdown</b> tip!") dlg.addField("Mixed type dropdown", initial=2, choices=['A String', 1234567, [12.34, 56.78], ('tuple element 0', 'tuple element 1'), {'key1': 'val1', 'key2': 23}], color="Red") dlg.addField("Yet Another dropdown", choices=[1, 2, 3]) dlg.addFixedField("ReadOnly dropdown", initial=2, choices=['R1', 'R2', 'R3'], tip="This field is readonly.") ok_data = print(("Dlg ok_data:", ok_data)) # Test Dict Dialog info = {'Observer*': 'jwp', 'GratingOri': 45, 'ExpVersion': 1.1, 'Group': ['Test', 'Control']} dictDlg = DlgFromDict(dictionary=info, title='TestExperiment', labels={'Group': 'Participant Group'}, fixed=['ExpVersion']) if dictDlg.OK: print(info) else: print('User Cancelled') # Test File Dialogs fileToSave = fileSaveDlg(initFileName='__init__.pyc') print(("fileToSave: [", fileToSave, "]", type(fileToSave))) fileToOpen = fileOpenDlg() print(("fileToOpen:", fileToOpen)) # Test Alert Dialogs infoDlg(prompt="Some not important info for you.") warnDlg(prompt="Something non critical,\nbut worth mention,\noccurred.") _pr = "Oh boy, something really bad just happened:<br><b>{0}</b>" criticalDlg(title="RuntimeError", prompt=_pr.format(RuntimeError("A made up runtime error"))) aboutDlg(prompt=u"My Experiment v. 1.0" u"<br>" u"Written by: Dr. John Doe" u"<br>" u"Created using <b>PsychoPy</b> © Copyright 2018, Jonathan Peirce") # Restore full screen psychopy window # showWindow(win) # win.flip() # from psychopy import event # event.waitKeys()

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