Source code for psychopy.preferences.preferences

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import errno
import os
import sys
import platform
from pathlib import Path
from .. import __version__

from pkg_resources import parse_version
import shutil

    import configobj
    if (sys.version_info.minor >= 7 and
            parse_version(configobj.__version__) < parse_version('5.1.0')):
        raise ImportError('Installed configobj does not support Python 3.7+')
    _haveConfigobj = True
except ImportError:
    _haveConfigobj = False

if _haveConfigobj:  # Use the "global" installation.
    from configobj import ConfigObj
        from configobj import validate
    except ImportError:  # Older versions of configobj
        import validate
else:  # Use our contrib package if configobj is not installed or too old.
    from psychopy.contrib import configobj
    from psychopy.contrib.configobj import ConfigObj
    from psychopy.contrib.configobj import validate
join = os.path.join

[docs]class Preferences: """Users can alter preferences from the dialog box in the application, by editing their user preferences file (which is what the dialog box does) or, within a script, preferences can be controlled like this:: import psychopy psychopy.prefs.hardware['audioLib'] = ['ptb', 'pyo','pygame'] print(psychopy.prefs) # prints the location of the user prefs file and all the current vals Use the instance of `prefs`, as above, rather than the `Preferences` class directly if you want to affect the script that's running. """ # Names of legacy parameters which are needed for use version legacy = [ "winType", # 2023.1.0 "audioLib", # 2023.1.0 "audioLatencyMode", # 2023.1.0 ] def __init__(self): super(Preferences, self).__init__() self.userPrefsCfg = None # the config object for the preferences self.prefsSpec = None # specifications for the above # the config object for the app data (users don't need to see) self.appDataCfg = None self.general = None self.piloting = None self.coder = None self.builder = None self.connections = None self.paths = {} # this will remain a dictionary self.keys = {} # does not remain a dictionary self.getPaths() self.loadAll() # setting locale is now handled in psychopy.localization.init # as called upon import by the app if self.userPrefsCfg['app']['resetPrefs']: self.resetPrefs() def __str__(self): """pretty printing the current preferences""" strOut = "psychopy.prefs <%s>:\n" % ( join(self.paths['userPrefsDir'], 'userPrefs.cfg')) for sectionName in ['general', 'coder', 'builder', 'connections']: section = getattr(self, sectionName) for key, val in list(section.items()): strOut += " prefs.%s['%s'] = %s\n" % ( sectionName, key, repr(val)) return strOut
[docs] def resetPrefs(self): """removes userPrefs.cfg, does not touch appData.cfg """ userCfg = join(self.paths['userPrefsDir'], 'userPrefs.cfg') try: os.unlink(userCfg) except Exception: msg = "Could not remove prefs file '%s'; (try doing it manually?)" print(msg % userCfg) self.loadAll() # reloads, now getting all from .spec
def getPaths(self): # on mac __file__ might be a local path, so make it the full path thisFileAbsPath = os.path.abspath(__file__) prefSpecDir = os.path.split(thisFileAbsPath)[0] dirPsychoPy = os.path.split(prefSpecDir)[0] exePath = sys.executable # path to Resources (icons etc) dirApp = join(dirPsychoPy, 'app') if os.path.isdir(join(dirApp, 'Resources')): dirResources = join(dirApp, 'Resources') else: dirResources = dirApp self.paths['psychopy'] = dirPsychoPy self.paths['appDir'] = dirApp self.paths['appFile'] = join(dirApp, '') self.paths['demos'] = join(dirPsychoPy, 'demos') self.paths['resources'] = dirResources self.paths['tests'] = join(dirPsychoPy, 'tests') # path to libs/frameworks if '' in exePath: self.paths['libs'] = exePath.replace("MacOS/python", "Frameworks") else: self.paths['libs'] = '' # we don't know where else to look! if not Path(self.paths['appDir']).is_dir(): # if there isn't an app folder at all then this is a lib-only psychopy # so don't try to load app prefs etc NO_APP = True if sys.platform == 'win32': self.paths['prefsSpecFile'] = join(prefSpecDir, 'Windows.spec') self.paths['userPrefsDir'] = join(os.environ['APPDATA'], 'psychopy3') else: self.paths['prefsSpecFile'] = join(prefSpecDir, platform.system() + '.spec') self.paths['userPrefsDir'] = join(os.environ['HOME'], '.psychopy3') # directory for files created by the app at runtime needed for operation self.paths['userCacheDir'] = join(self.paths['userPrefsDir'], 'cache') # paths in user directory to create/check write access userPrefsPaths = ( 'userPrefsDir', # root dir 'themes', # define theme path 'fonts', # find / copy fonts 'packages', # packages and plugins 'cache', # cache for downloaded and other temporary files ) # build directory structure inside user directory for userPrefPath in userPrefsPaths: # define path if userPrefPath != 'userPrefsDir': # skip creating root, just check self.paths[userPrefPath] = join( self.paths['userPrefsDir'], userPrefPath) # avoid silent fail-to-launch-app if bad permissions: try: os.makedirs(self.paths[userPrefPath]) except OSError as err: if err.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise # root site-packages directory for user-installed packages and add it pyVer = 'Python{}{}'.format( sys.version_info.major, sys.version_info.minor) prefixRootDir = Path( self.paths['userPrefsDir']) / 'packages' / pyVer # populate directory structure for user-installed packages if not prefixRootDir.is_dir(): prefixRootDir.mkdir() userSiteDir = prefixRootDir / 'site-packages' if not userSiteDir.is_dir(): userSiteDir.mkdir() # Scripts directory for user-installed packages userScriptsDir = prefixRootDir / 'Scripts' if not userScriptsDir.is_dir(): userScriptsDir.mkdir() # add paths from plugins/packages (installed by plugins manager) self.paths['userPackages'] = userSiteDir self.paths['userScripts'] = userScriptsDir # Get dir for base and user themes baseThemeDir = Path(self.paths['appDir']) / "themes" / "spec" userThemeDir = Path(self.paths['themes']) # Check what version user themes were last updated in if (userThemeDir / "last.ver").is_file(): with open(userThemeDir / "last.ver", "r") as f: lastVer = parse_version( else: # if no version available, assume it was the first version to have themes lastVer = parse_version("2020.2.0") # If version has changed since base themes last copied, they need updating updateThemes = lastVer < parse_version(__version__) # Copy base themes to user themes folder if missing or need update for file in baseThemeDir.glob("*.json"): if updateThemes or not (Path(self.paths['themes']) / shutil.copyfile( file, Path(self.paths['themes']) / )
[docs] def loadAll(self): """Load the user prefs and the application data """ self._validator = validate.Validator() # note: self.paths['userPrefsDir'] gets set in loadSitePrefs() self.paths['appDataFile'] = join( self.paths['userPrefsDir'], 'appData.cfg') self.paths['userPrefsFile'] = join( self.paths['userPrefsDir'], 'userPrefs.cfg') # If PsychoPy is tucked away by Py2exe in, the preferences # file cannot be found. This hack is an attempt to fix this. libzip = "\\\\psychopy\\preferences\\" if libzip in self.paths["prefsSpecFile"]: self.paths["prefsSpecFile"] = self.paths["prefsSpecFile"].replace( libzip, "\\resources\\") self.userPrefsCfg = self.loadUserPrefs() self.appDataCfg = self.loadAppData() self.validate() # simplify namespace self.general = self.userPrefsCfg['general'] = self.userPrefsCfg['app'] self.coder = self.userPrefsCfg['coder'] self.builder = self.userPrefsCfg['builder'] self.hardware = self.userPrefsCfg['hardware'] self.piloting = self.userPrefsCfg['piloting'] self.connections = self.userPrefsCfg['connections'] self.appData = self.appDataCfg # keybindings: self.keys = self.userPrefsCfg['keyBindings']
[docs] def loadUserPrefs(self): """load user prefs, if any; don't save to a file because doing so will break easy_install. Saving to files within the psychopy/ is fine, eg for key-bindings, but outside it (where user prefs will live) is not allowed by easy_install (security risk) """ self.prefsSpec = ConfigObj(self.paths['prefsSpecFile'], encoding='UTF8', list_values=False) # check/create path for user prefs if not os.path.isdir(self.paths['userPrefsDir']): try: os.makedirs(self.paths['userPrefsDir']) except Exception: msg = (" failed to create folder %s. Settings" " will be read-only") print(msg % self.paths['userPrefsDir']) # then get the configuration file cfg = ConfigObj(self.paths['userPrefsFile'], encoding='UTF8', configspec=self.prefsSpec) # cfg.validate(self._validator, copy=False) # merge then validate # don't cfg.write(), see explanation above return cfg
[docs] def saveUserPrefs(self): """Validate and save the various setting to the appropriate files (or discard, in some cases) """ self.validate() if not os.path.isdir(self.paths['userPrefsDir']): os.makedirs(self.paths['userPrefsDir']) self.userPrefsCfg.write()
[docs] def loadAppData(self): """Fetch app data config (unless this is a lib-only installation) """ appDir = Path(self.paths['appDir']) if not appDir.is_dir(): # if no app dir this may be just lib install return {} # fetch appData too against a config spec appDataSpec = ConfigObj(join(self.paths['appDir'], 'appData.spec'), encoding='UTF8', list_values=False) cfg = ConfigObj(self.paths['appDataFile'], encoding='UTF8', configspec=appDataSpec) resultOfValidate = cfg.validate(self._validator, copy=True, preserve_errors=True) self.restoreBadPrefs(cfg, resultOfValidate) # force favComponent level values to be integers if 'favComponents' in cfg['builder']: for key in cfg['builder']['favComponents']: _compKey = cfg['builder']['favComponents'][key] cfg['builder']['favComponents'][key] = int(_compKey) return cfg
[docs] def saveAppData(self): """Save the various setting to the appropriate files (or discard, in some cases) """ # copy means all settings get saved: self.appDataCfg.validate(self._validator, copy=True) if not os.path.isdir(self.paths['userPrefsDir']): os.makedirs(self.paths['userPrefsDir']) self.appDataCfg.write()
[docs] def validate(self): """Validate (user) preferences and reset invalid settings to defaults """ result = self.userPrefsCfg.validate(self._validator, copy=True) self.restoreBadPrefs(self.userPrefsCfg, result)
[docs] def restoreBadPrefs(self, cfg, result): """result = result of validate """ if result == True: return vtor = validate.Validator() for sectionList, key, _ in configobj.flatten_errors(cfg, result): if key is not None: _secList = ', '.join(sectionList) val = cfg.configspec[_secList][key] cfg[_secList][key] = vtor.get_default_value(val) else: msg = "Section [%s] was missing in file '%s'" print(msg % (', '.join(sectionList), cfg.filename))
prefs = Preferences()

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