#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Audio recording using a microphone.
# Part of the PsychoPy library
# Copyright (C) 2002-2018 Jonathan Peirce (C) 2019-2022 Open Science Tools Ltd.
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL).
__all__ = ['Microphone']
import sys
import psychopy.logging as logging
from psychopy.constants import NOT_STARTED
from psychopy.preferences import prefs
from .audioclip import *
from .audiodevice import *
from .exceptions import *
import numpy as np
_hasPTB = True
import psychtoolbox.audio as audio
except (ImportError, ModuleNotFoundError):
"The 'psychtoolbox' library cannot be loaded but is required for audio "
"capture (use `pip install psychtoolbox` to get it). Microphone "
"recording will be unavailable this session. Note that opening a "
"microphone stream will raise an error.")
_hasPTB = False
class RecordingBuffer:
"""Class for a storing a recording from a stream.
Think of instances of this class behaving like an audio tape whereas the
`Microphone` class is the tape recorder. Samples taken from the stream are
written to the tape which stores the data.
Used internally by the `Microphone` class, users usually do not create
instances of this class themselves.
sampleRateHz : int
Sampling rate for audio recording in Hertz (Hz). By default, 48kHz
(``sampleRateHz=48000``) is used which is adequate for most consumer
grade microphones (headsets and built-in).
channels : int
Number of channels to record samples to `1=Mono` and `2=Stereo`.
maxRecordingSize : int
Maximum recording size in kilobytes (Kb). Since audio recordings tend to
consume a large amount of system memory, one might want to limit the
size of the recording buffer to ensure that the application does not run
out of memory. By default, the recording buffer is set to 24000 KB (or
24 MB). At a sample rate of 48kHz, this will result in 62.5 seconds of
continuous audio being recorded before the buffer is full.
policyWhenFull : str
What to do when the recording buffer is full and cannot accept any more
samples. If 'ignore', samples will be silently dropped and the `isFull`
property will be set to `True`. If 'warn', a warning will be logged and
the `isFull` flag will be set. Finally, if 'error' the application will
raise an exception.
def __init__(self, sampleRateHz=SAMPLE_RATE_48kHz, channels=2,
maxRecordingSize=24000, policyWhenFull='ignore'):
self._channels = channels
self._sampleRateHz = sampleRateHz
self._maxRecordingSize = maxRecordingSize
self._samples = None # `ndarray` created in _allocRecBuffer`
self._offset = 0 # recording offset
self._lastSample = 0 # offset of the last sample from stream
self._spaceRemaining = None # set in `_allocRecBuffer`
self._totalSamples = None # set in `_allocRecBuffer`
# check if the value is valid
if policyWhenFull not in ['ignore', 'warn', 'error']:
raise ValueError("Invalid value for `policyWhenFull`.")
self._policyWhenFull = policyWhenFull
self._warnedRecBufferFull = False
self._loops = 0
def _allocRecBuffer(self):
"""Allocate the recording buffer. Called internally if properties are
# allocate another array
nBytes = self._maxRecordingSize * 1000
recArraySize = int((nBytes / self._channels) / (np.float32()).itemsize)
self._samples = np.zeros(
(recArraySize, self._channels), dtype=np.float32, order='C')
# sanity check
assert self._samples.nbytes == nBytes
self._totalSamples = len(self._samples)
self._spaceRemaining = self._totalSamples
def samples(self):
"""Reference to the actual sample buffer (`ndarray`)."""
return self._samples
def bufferSecs(self):
"""Capacity of the recording buffer in seconds (`float`)."""
return self._totalSamples / self._sampleRateHz
def nbytes(self):
"""Number of bytes the recording buffer occupies in memory (`int`)."""
return self._samples.nbytes
def sampleBytes(self):
"""Number of bytes per sample (`int`)."""
return np.float32().itemsize
def spaceRemaining(self):
"""The space remaining in the recording buffer (`int`). Indicates the
number of samples that the buffer can still add before overflowing.
return self._spaceRemaining
def isFull(self):
"""Is the recording buffer full (`bool`)."""
return self._spaceRemaining <= 0
def totalSamples(self):
"""Total number samples the recording buffer can hold (`int`)."""
return self._totalSamples
def writeOffset(self):
"""Index in the sample buffer where new samples will be written when
`write()` is called (`int`).
return self._offset
def lastSample(self):
"""Index of the last sample recorded (`int`). This can be used to slice
the recording buffer, only getting data from the beginning to place
where the last sample was written to.
return self._lastSample
def loopCount(self):
"""Number of times the recording buffer restarted (`int`). Only valid if
`loopback` is ``True``."""
return self._loops
def maxRecordingSize(self):
"""Maximum recording size in kilobytes (`int`).
Since audio recordings tend to consume a large amount of system memory,
one might want to limit the size of the recording buffer to ensure that
the application does not run out of memory. By default, the recording
buffer is set to 24000 KB (or 24 MB). At a sample rate of 48kHz, this
will result in 62.5 seconds of continuous audio being recorded before
the buffer is full.
Setting this value will allocate another recording buffer of appropriate
size. Avoid doing this in any time sensitive parts of your application.
return self._maxRecordingSize
def maxRecordingSize(self, value):
value = int(value)
# don't do this unless the value changed
if value == self._maxRecordingSize:
# if different than last value, update the recording buffer
self._maxRecordingSize = value
def seek(self, offset, absolute=False):
"""Set the write offset.
Use this to specify where to begin writing samples the next time `write`
is called. You should call `seek(0)` when starting a new recording.
offset : int
Position in the sample buffer to set.
absolute : bool
Use absolute positioning. Use relative positioning if `False` where
the value of `offset` will be added to the current offset. Default
is `False`.
if not absolute:
self._offset += offset
self._offset = absolute
assert 0 <= self._offset < self._totalSamples
self._spaceRemaining = self._totalSamples - self._offset
def write(self, samples):
"""Write samples to the recording buffer.
samples : ArrayLike
Samples to write to the recording buffer, usually of a stream. Must
have the same number of dimensions as the internal array.
Number of samples overflowed. If this is zero then all samples have
been recorded, if not, the number of samples rejected is given.
nSamples = len(samples)
if self.isFull:
if self._policyWhenFull == 'ignore':
return nSamples # samples lost
elif self._policyWhenFull == 'warn':
if not self._warnedRecBufferFull:
f"Audio recording buffer filled! This means that no "
f"samples are saved beyond {round(self.bufferSecs, 6)} "
f"seconds. Specify a larger recording buffer next time "
f"to avoid data loss.")
self._warnedRecBufferFull = True
return nSamples
elif self._policyWhenFull == 'error':
raise AudioRecordingBufferFullError(
"Cannot write samples, recording buffer is full.")
return nSamples # whatever
if not nSamples: # no samples came out of the stream, just return
if self._spaceRemaining >= nSamples:
self._lastSample = self._offset + nSamples
audioData = samples[:, :]
self._lastSample = self._offset + self._spaceRemaining
audioData = samples[:self._spaceRemaining, :]
self._samples[self._offset:self._lastSample, :] = audioData
self._offset += nSamples
self._spaceRemaining -= nSamples
# Check if the recording buffer is now full. Next call to `poll` will
# not record anything.
if self._spaceRemaining <= 0:
self._spaceRemaining = 0
d = nSamples - self._spaceRemaining
return 0 if d < 0 else d
def clear(self):
# reset all live attributes
self._samples = None
self._offset = 0
self._lastSample = 0
self._spaceRemaining = None
self._totalSamples = None
# reallocate buffer
def getSegment(self, start=0, end=None):
"""Get a segment of recording data as an `AudioClip`.
start : float or int
Absolute time in seconds for the start of the clip.
end : float or int
Absolute time in seconds for the end of the clip. If `None` the time
at the last sample is used.
Audio clip object with samples between `start` and `end`.
idxStart = int(start * self._sampleRateHz)
idxEnd = self._lastSample if end is None else int(
end * self._sampleRateHz)
return AudioClip(
np.array(self._samples[idxStart:idxEnd, :],
dtype=np.float32, order='C'),
[docs]class Microphone:
"""Class for recording audio from a microphone or input stream.
Creating an instance of this class will open a stream using the specified
device. Streams should remain open for the duration of your session. When a
stream is opened, a buffer is allocated to store samples coming off it.
Samples from the input stream will writen to the buffer once
:meth:`~Microphone.start()` is called.
device : int or `~psychopy.sound.AudioDevice`
Audio capture device to use. You may specify the device either by index
(`int`) or descriptor (`AudioDevice`).
sampleRateHz : int
Sampling rate for audio recording in Hertz (Hz). By default, 48kHz
(``sampleRateHz=48000``) is used which is adequate for most consumer
grade microphones (headsets and built-in).
channels : int
Number of channels to record samples to `1=Mono` and `2=Stereo`.
streamBufferSecs : float
Stream buffer size to pre-allocate for the specified number of seconds.
The default is 2.0 seconds which is usually sufficient.
maxRecordingSize : int
Maximum recording size in kilobytes (Kb). Since audio recordings tend to
consume a large amount of system memory, one might want to limit the
size of the recording buffer to ensure that the application does not run
out of memory. By default, the recording buffer is set to 24000 KB (or
24 MB). At a sample rate of 48kHz, this will result in 62.5 seconds of
continuous audio being recorded before the buffer is full.
audioLatencyMode : int or None
Audio latency mode to use, values range between 0-4. If `None`, the
setting from preferences will be used. Using `3` (exclusive mode) is
adequate for most applications and required if using WASAPI on Windows
for other settings (such audio quality) to take effect. Symbolic
constants `psychopy.sound.audiodevice.AUDIO_PTB_LATENCY_CLASS_` can also
be used.
audioRunMode : int
Run mode for the recording device. Default is standby-mode (`0`) which
allows the system to put the device to sleep. However, when the device
is needed, waking the device results in some latency. Using a run mode
of `1` will keep the microphone running (or 'hot') with reduces latency
when th recording is started. Cannot be set when after initialization at
this time.
Capture 10 seconds of audio from the primary microphone::
import psychopy.core as core
import psychopy.sound.Microphone as Microphone
mic = Microphone(bufferSecs=10.0) # open the microphone
mic.start() # start recording
core.wait(10.0) # wait 10 seconds
mic.stop() # stop recording
audioClip = mic.getRecording()
print(audioClip.duration) # should be ~10 seconds
audioClip.save('test.wav') # save the recorded audio as a 'wav' file
The prescribed method for making long recordings is to poll the stream once
per frame (or every n-th frame)::
mic = Microphone(bufferSecs=2.0)
mic.start() # start recording
# main trial drawing loop
win.flip() # calling the window flip function
mic.stop() # stop recording
audioClip = mic.getRecording()
# Force the use of WASAPI for audio capture on Windows. If `True`, only
# WASAPI devices will be returned when calling static method
# `Microphone.getDevices()`
enforceWASAPI = True
def __init__(self,
if not _hasPTB: # fail if PTB is not installed
raise ModuleNotFoundError(
"Microphone audio capture requires package `psychtoolbox` to "
"be installed.")
def _getDeviceByIndex(deviceIndex):
"""Subroutine to get a device by index. Used to handle the case
where the user specifies a device by index.
deviceIndex : int, float or str
Index of the device to get.
Audio device information object.
# convert to `int` first, sometimes strings can specify the enum
# value from builder
deviceIndex = int(deviceIndex)
# get all audio devices
devices_ = Microphone.getDevices()
# get information about the selected device
devicesByIndex = {d.deviceIndex: d for d in devices_}
if deviceIndex in devicesByIndex:
useDevice = devicesByIndex[deviceIndex]
raise AudioInvalidCaptureDeviceError(
'No suitable audio recording devices found matching index '
return useDevice
# get information about the selected device
if isinstance(device, AudioDeviceInfo):
self._device = device
elif isinstance(device, (int, float, str)):
self._device = _getDeviceByIndex(device)
# get default device, first enumerated usually
devices = Microphone.getDevices()
if not devices:
raise AudioInvalidCaptureDeviceError(
'No suitable audio recording devices found on this system. '
'Check connections and try again.')
self._device = devices[0] # use first
logging.info('Using audio device #{} ({}) for audio capture'.format(
self._device.deviceIndex, self._device.deviceName))
# error if specified device is not suitable for capture
if not self._device.isCapture:
raise AudioInvalidCaptureDeviceError(
'Specified audio device not suitable for audio recording. '
'Has no input channels.')
# get the sample rate
self._sampleRateHz = \
self._device.defaultSampleRate if sampleRateHz is None else int(
logging.debug('Set stream sample rate to {} Hz'.format(
# set the audio latency mode
if audioLatencyMode is None:
self._audioLatencyMode = int(prefs.hardware["audioLatencyMode"])
self._audioLatencyMode = audioLatencyMode
logging.debug('Set audio latency mode to {}'.format(
assert 0 <= self._audioLatencyMode <= 4 # sanity check for pref
# set the number of recording channels
self._channels = \
self._device.inputChannels if channels is None else int(channels)
logging.debug('Set recording channels to {} ({})'.format(
self._channels, 'stereo' if self._channels > 1 else 'mono'))
if self._channels > self._device.inputChannels:
raise AudioInvalidDeviceError(
'Invalid number of channels for audio input specified.')
# internal recording buffer size in seconds
assert isinstance(streamBufferSecs, (float, int))
self._streamBufferSecs = float(streamBufferSecs)
# PTB specific stuff
self._mode = 2 # open a stream in capture mode
# Handle for the recording stream, should only be opened once per
# session
logging.debug('Opening audio stream for device #{}'.format(
self._stream = audio.Stream(
logging.debug('Stream opened')
assert isinstance(audioRunMode, (float, int)) and \
(audioRunMode == 0 or audioRunMode == 1)
self._audioRunMode = int(audioRunMode)
self._stream.run_mode = self._audioRunMode
logging.debug('Set run mode to `{}`'.format(
# set latency bias
self._stream.latency_bias = 0.0
logging.debug('Set stream latency bias to {} ms'.format(
# pre-allocate recording buffer, called once
'Allocated stream buffer to hold {} seconds of data'.format(
# status flag for Builder
self._statusFlag = NOT_STARTED
# setup recording buffer
self._recording = RecordingBuffer(
# setup clips and transcripts dicts
self.clips = {}
self.lastClip = None
self.scripts = {}
self.lastScript = None
self._isStarted = False # internal state
logging.debug('Audio capture device #{} ready'.format(
[docs] @staticmethod
def getDevices():
"""Get a `list` of audio capture device (i.e. microphones) descriptors.
On Windows, only WASAPI devices are used.
List of `AudioDevice` descriptors for suitable capture devices. If
empty, no capture devices have been found.
Microphone.enforceWASAPI = bool(prefs.hardware["audioForceWASAPI"])
except KeyError:
pass # use default if option not present in settings
# query PTB for devices
if Microphone.enforceWASAPI and sys.platform == 'win32':
allDevs = audio.get_devices(device_type=13)
allDevs = audio.get_devices()
# make sure we have an array of descriptors
allDevs = [allDevs] if isinstance(allDevs, dict) else allDevs
# create list of descriptors only for capture devices
inputDevices = [desc for desc in [
AudioDeviceInfo.createFromPTBDesc(dev) for dev in allDevs]
if desc.isCapture]
return inputDevices
# def warmUp(self):
# """Warm-/wake-up the audio stream.
# On some systems the first time `start` is called incurs additional
# latency, whereas successive calls do not. To deal with this, it is
# recommended that you run this warm-up routine prior to capturing audio
# samples. By default, this routine is called when instancing a new
# microphone object.
# """
# # We should put an actual test here to see if timing stabilizes after
# # multiple invocations of this function.
# self._stream.start()
# self._stream.stop()
def recording(self):
"""Reference to the current recording buffer (`RecordingBuffer`)."""
return self._recording
def recBufferSecs(self):
"""Capacity of the recording buffer in seconds (`float`)."""
return self.recording.bufferSecs
def maxRecordingSize(self):
"""Maximum recording size in kilobytes (`int`).
Since audio recordings tend to consume a large amount of system memory,
one might want to limit the size of the recording buffer to ensure that
the application does not run out. By default, the recording buffer is
set to 64000 KB (or 64 MB). At a sample rate of 48kHz, this will result
in about. Using stereo audio (``nChannels == 2``) requires twice the
buffer over mono (``nChannels == 2``) for the same length clip.
Setting this value will allocate another recording buffer of appropriate
size. Avoid doing this in any time sensitive parts of your application.
return self._recording.maxRecordingSize
def maxRecordingSize(self, value):
self._recording.maxRecordingSize = value
def latencyBias(self):
"""Latency bias to add when starting the microphone (`float`).
return self._stream.latency_bias
def latencyBias(self, value):
self._stream.latency_bias = float(value)
def audioLatencyMode(self):
"""Audio latency mode in use (`int`). Cannot be set after
return self._audioLatencyMode
def streamBufferSecs(self):
"""Size of the internal audio storage buffer in seconds (`float`).
To ensure all data is captured, there must be less time elapsed between
subsequent `getAudioClip` calls than `bufferSecs`.
return self._streamBufferSecs
def status(self):
"""Status flag for the microphone. Value can be one of
``psychopy.constants.STARTED`` or ``psychopy.constants.NOT_STARTED``.
This is attribute is used by Builder and does not correspond to the
actual state of the microphone. Use `streamStatus` and `isStarted`
For detailed stream status information, use the
:attr:`~psychopy.sound.microphone.Microphone.streamStatus` property.
if hasattr(self, "_statusFlag"):
return self._statusFlag
def status(self, value):
self._statusFlag = value
def streamStatus(self):
"""Status of the audio stream (`AudioDeviceStatus` or `None`).
See :class:`~psychopy.sound.AudioDeviceStatus` for a complete overview
of available status fields. This property has a value of `None` if
the stream is presently closed.
Get the capture start time of the stream::
# assumes mic.start() was called
captureStartTime = mic.status.captureStartTime
Check if microphone recording is active::
isActive = mic.status.active
Get the number of seconds recorded up to this point::
recordedSecs = mic.status.recordedSecs
currentStatus = self._stream.status
if currentStatus != -1:
return AudioDeviceStatus.createFromPTBDesc(currentStatus)
def isRecBufferFull(self):
"""`True` if there is an overflow condition with the recording buffer.
If this is `True`, then `poll()` is still collecting stream samples but
is no longer writing them to anything, causing stream samples to be
return self._recording.isFull
def isStarted(self):
"""``True`` if stream recording has been started (`bool`)."""
return self._isStarted
def isRecording(self):
"""``True`` if stream recording has been started (`bool`). Alias of
return self.isStarted
[docs] def start(self, when=None, waitForStart=0, stopTime=None):
"""Start an audio recording.
Calling this method will begin capturing samples from the microphone and
writing them to the buffer.
when : float, int or None
When to start the stream. If the time specified is a floating point
(absolute) system time, the device will attempt to begin recording
at that time. If `None` or zero, the system will try to start
recording as soon as possible.
waitForStart : bool
Wait for sound onset if `True`.
stopTime : float, int or None
Number of seconds to record. If `None` or `-1`, recording will
continue forever until `stop` is called.
Absolute time the stream was started.
# check if the stream has been
if self.isStarted:
raise AudioStreamError(
"Cannot start a stream, already started.")
if self._stream is None:
raise AudioStreamError("Stream not ready.")
# reset the writing 'head'
self._recording.seek(0, absolute=True)
# reset warnings
# self._warnedRecBufferFull = False
startTime = self._stream.start(
# recording has begun or is scheduled to do so
self._isStarted = True
'Scheduled start of audio capture for device #{} at t={}.'.format(
self._device.deviceIndex, startTime))
return startTime
[docs] def record(self, when=None, waitForStart=0, stopTime=None):
"""Start an audio recording (alias of `.start()`).
Calling this method will begin capturing samples from the microphone and
writing them to the buffer.
when : float, int or None
When to start the stream. If the time specified is a floating point
(absolute) system time, the device will attempt to begin recording
at that time. If `None` or zero, the system will try to start
recording as soon as possible.
waitForStart : bool
Wait for sound onset if `True`.
stopTime : float, int or None
Number of seconds to record. If `None` or `-1`, recording will
continue forever until `stop` is called.
Absolute time the stream was started.
return self.start(
[docs] def stop(self, blockUntilStopped=True, stopTime=None):
"""Stop recording audio.
Call this method to end an audio recording if in progress. This will
simply halt recording and not close the stream. Any remaining samples
will be polled automatically and added to the recording buffer.
blockUntilStopped : bool
Halt script execution until the stream has fully stopped.
stopTime : float or None
Scheduled stop time for the stream in system time. If `None`, the
stream will stop as soon as possible.
tuple or None
Tuple containing `startTime`, `endPositionSecs`, `xruns` and
`estStopTime`. Returns `None` if `stop` or `pause` was called
previously before `start`.
# This function must be idempotent since it can be invoked at any time
# whether a stream is started or not.
if not self.isStarted:
# poll remaining samples, if any
if not self.isRecBufferFull:
startTime, endPositionSecs, xruns, estStopTime = self._stream.stop(
self._isStarted = False
('Device #{} stopped capturing audio samples at estimated time '
't={}. Total overruns: {} Total recording time: {}').format(
self._device.deviceIndex, estStopTime, xruns, endPositionSecs))
return startTime, endPositionSecs, xruns, estStopTime
[docs] def pause(self, blockUntilStopped=True, stopTime=None):
"""Pause a recording (alias of `.stop`).
Call this method to end an audio recording if in progress. This will
simply halt recording and not close the stream. Any remaining samples
will be polled automatically and added to the recording buffer.
blockUntilStopped : bool
Halt script execution until the stream has fully stopped.
stopTime : float or None
Scheduled stop time for the stream in system time. If `None`, the
stream will stop as soon as possible.
tuple or None
Tuple containing `startTime`, `endPositionSecs`, `xruns` and
`estStopTime`. Returns `None` if `stop()` or `pause()` was called
previously before `start()`.
return self.stop(blockUntilStopped=blockUntilStopped, stopTime=stopTime)
[docs] def close(self):
"""Close the stream.
Should not be called until you are certain you're done with it. Ideally,
you should never close and reopen the same stream within a single
logging.debug('Stream closed')
[docs] def poll(self):
"""Poll audio samples.
Calling this method adds audio samples collected from the stream buffer
to the recording buffer that have been captured since the last `poll`
call. Time between calls of this function should be less than
`bufferSecs`. You do not need to call this if you call `stop` before
the time specified by `bufferSecs` elapses since the `start` call.
Can only be called between called of `start` (or `record`) and `stop`
(or `pause`).
Number of overruns in sampling.
if not self.isStarted:
raise AudioStreamError(
"Cannot poll samples from audio device, not started.")
# figure out what to do with this other information
audioData, absRecPosition, overflow, cStartTime = \
if overflow:
"Audio stream buffer overflow, some audio samples have been "
"lost! To prevent this, ensure `Microphone.poll()` is being "
"called often enough, or increase the size of the audio buffer "
"with `bufferSecs`.")
overruns = self._recording.write(audioData)
return overruns
[docs] def bank(self, tag=None, transcribe=False, **kwargs):
"""Store current buffer as a clip within the microphone object.
This method is used internally by the Microphone component in Builder,
don't use it for other applications. Either `stop()` or `pause()` must
be called before calling this method.
tag : str or None
Label for the clip.
transcribe : bool or str
Set to the name of a transcription engine (e.g. "GOOGLE") to
transcribe using that engine, or set as `False` to not transcribe.
kwargs : dict
Additional keyword arguments to pass to
# make sure the tag exists in both clips and transcripts dicts
if tag not in self.clips:
self.clips[tag] = []
if tag not in self.scripts:
self.scripts[tag] = []
# append current recording to clip list according to tag
self.lastClip = self.getRecording()
# synonymise null values
nullVals = (
'undefined', 'NONE', 'None', 'none', 'False', 'false', 'FALSE')
if transcribe in nullVals:
transcribe = False
# append current clip's transcription according to tag
if transcribe:
if transcribe in ('Built-in', True, 'BUILT_IN', 'BUILT-IN',
'Built-In', 'built-in'):
engine = "sphinx"
elif type(transcribe) == str:
engine = transcribe
raise ValueError(
"Invalid transcription engine {} specified.".format(
self.lastScript = self.lastClip.transcribe(
engine=engine, **kwargs)
self.lastScript = "Transcription disabled."
# clear recording buffer
# return banked items
if transcribe:
return self.lastClip, self.lastScript
return self.lastClip
[docs] def clear(self):
"""Wipe all clips. Deletes previously banked audio clips.
# clear clips
self.clips = {}
# clear recording
[docs] def flush(self):
"""Get a copy of all banked clips, then clear the clips from storage."""
# get copy of clips dict
clips = self.clips.copy()
return clips
[docs] def getRecording(self):
"""Get audio data from the last microphone recording.
Call this after `stop` to get the recording as an `AudioClip` object.
Raises an error if a recording is in progress.
Recorded data between the last calls to `start` (or `record`) and
if self.isStarted:
raise AudioStreamError(
"Cannot get audio clip, recording was in progress. Be sure to "
"call `Microphone.stop` first.")
return self._recording.getSegment() # full recording
if __name__ == "__main__":