Source code for psychopy.visual.line

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Creates a Line between two points as a special case of a

# Part of the PsychoPy library
# Copyright (C) 2002-2018 Jonathan Peirce (C) 2019-2024 Open Science Tools Ltd.
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL).

import psychopy  # so we can get the __path__
from psychopy import logging
import numpy

from psychopy.visual.shape import ShapeStim
from import attributeSetter, setAttribute

[docs]class Line(ShapeStim): """Creates a Line between two points. This is a lazy-imported class, therefore import using full path `from psychopy.visual.line import Line` when inheriting from it. `Line` accepts all input parameters, that :class:`~psychopy.visual.ShapeStim` accepts, except for `vertices`, `closeShape` and `fillColor`. (New in version 1.72.00) Parameters ---------- win : :class:`~psychopy.visual.Window` Window this line is being drawn to. The stimulus instance will allocate its required resources using that Windows context. In many cases, a stimulus instance cannot be drawn on different windows unless those windows share the same OpenGL context, which permits resources to be shared between them. start : array_like Coordinate `(x, y)` of the starting point of the line. end : array_like Coordinate `(x, y)` of the end-point of the line. units : str Units to use when drawing. This will affect how parameters and attributes `pos`, `size` and `radius` are interpreted. lineWidth : float Width of the line. lineColor : array_like, str, :class:`~psychopy.colors.Color` or None Color of the line. If `None`, a fully transparent color is used which makes the line invisible. *Deprecated* use `color` instead. lineColorSpace : str or None Colorspace to use for the line. These change how the values passed to `lineColor` are interpreted. *Deprecated*. Please use `colorSpace` to set the line colorspace. This arguments may be removed in a future version. pos : array_like Initial translation (`x`, `y`) of the line on-screen relative to the origin located at the center of the window or buffer in `units`. This can be updated after initialization by setting the `pos` property. The default value is `(0.0, 0.0)` which results in no translation. size : float or array_like Initial scale factor for adjusting the size of the line. A single value (`float`) will apply uniform scaling, while an array (`sx`, `sy`) will result in anisotropic scaling in the horizontal (`sx`) and vertical (`sy`) direction. Providing negative values to `size` will cause the line to be mirrored. Scaling can be changed by setting the `size` property after initialization. The default value is `1.0` which results in no scaling. ori : float Initial orientation of the line in degrees about its origin. Positive values will rotate the line clockwise, while negative values will rotate counterclockwise. The default value for `ori` is 0.0 degrees. opacity : float Opacity of the line. A value of 1.0 indicates fully opaque and 0.0 is fully transparent (therefore invisible). Values between 1.0 and 0.0 will result in colors being blended with objects in the background. This value affects the fill (`fillColor`) and outline (`lineColor`) colors of the shape. contrast : float Contrast level of the line (0.0 to 1.0). This value is used to modulate the contrast of colors passed to `lineColor` and `fillColor`. depth : int Depth layer to draw the stimulus when `autoDraw` is enabled. interpolate : bool Enable smoothing (anti-aliasing) when drawing lines. This produces a smoother (less-pixelated) line. draggable : bool Can this stimulus be dragged by a mouse click? lineRGB: array_like, :class:`~psychopy.colors.Color` or None *Deprecated*. Please use `color` instead. This argument may be removed in a future version. name : str Optional name of the stimuli for logging. autoLog : bool Enable auto-logging of events associated with this stimuli. Useful for debugging and to track timing when used in conjunction with `autoDraw`. autoDraw : bool Enable auto drawing. When `True`, the stimulus will be drawn every frame without the need to explicitly call the :py:meth:`~psychopy.visual.shape.ShapeStim.draw()` method. color : array_like, str, :class:`~psychopy.colors.Color` or None Sets both the initial `lineColor` and `fillColor` of the shape. colorSpace : str Sets the colorspace, changing how values passed to `lineColor` and `fillColor` are interpreted. Notes ----- The `contains` method always return `False` because a line is not a proper (2D) polygon. Attributes ---------- start, end : array_like Coordinates `(x, y)` for the start- and end-point of the line. """ _defaultFillColor = None _defaultLineColor = "white" def __init__(self, win, start=(-.5, -.5), end=(.5, .5), units=None, lineWidth=1.5, lineColor=False, colorSpace='rgb', pos=(0, 0), size=1.0, anchor="center", ori=0.0, opacity=None, contrast=1.0, depth=0, interpolate=True, draggable=False, name=None, autoLog=None, autoDraw=False, # legacy color=False, fillColor=False, lineColorSpace=None, lineRGB=False, fillRGB=False, ): """ """ # what local vars are defined (these are the init params) for use by # __repr__ self._initParams = dir() self._initParams.remove('self') self.__dict__['start'] = numpy.array(start) self.__dict__['end'] = numpy.array(end) super(Line, self).__init__( win, units=units, lineWidth=lineWidth, lineColor=lineColor, lineColorSpace=None, fillColor=None, fillColorSpace=lineColorSpace, # have these set to the same vertices=None, anchor=anchor, closeShape=False, pos=pos, size=size, ori=ori, opacity=opacity, contrast=contrast, depth=depth, interpolate=interpolate, draggable=draggable, lineRGB=lineRGB, fillRGB=fillRGB, name=name, autoLog=autoLog, autoDraw=autoDraw, color=color, colorSpace=colorSpace) self._vertices.setas([start, end], self.units) del self._tesselVertices @property def color(self): return self.lineColor @color.setter def color(self, value): self.lineColor = value @attributeSetter def start(self, start): """tuple, list or 2x1 array. Specifies the position of the start of the line. :ref:`Operations <attrib-operations>` supported. """ self.__dict__['start'] = numpy.array(start) self.setVertices([self.start, self.end], log=False)
[docs] def setStart(self, start, log=None): """Usually you can use 'stim.attribute = value' syntax instead, but use this method if you need to suppress the log message. """ setAttribute(self, 'start', start, log)
@attributeSetter def end(self, end): """tuple, list or 2x1 array Specifies the position of the end of the line. :ref:`Operations <attrib-operations>` supported.""" self.__dict__['end'] = numpy.array(end) self.setVertices([self.start, self.end], log=False)
[docs] def setEnd(self, end, log=None): """Usually you can use 'stim.attribute = value' syntax instead, but use this method if you need to suppress the log message. """ setAttribute(self, 'end', end, log)
[docs] def contains(self, *args, **kwargs): return False

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