Source code for psychopy.visual.ratingscale

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""A class for getting numeric or categorical ratings, e.g., a 1-to-7 scale."""

# Part of the PsychoPy library
# Copyright (C) 2002-2018 Jonathan Peirce (C) 2019-2024 Open Science Tools Ltd.
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL).

import sys
import numpy

from psychopy import core, logging, event
from import Circle
from psychopy.visual.patch import PatchStim
from psychopy.visual.shape import ShapeStim
from psychopy.visual.text import TextStim
from psychopy.visual.basevisual import MinimalStim
from psychopy.visual.helpers import pointInPolygon, groupFlipVert
from import logAttrib
from psychopy.constants import FINISHED, STARTED, NOT_STARTED

[docs]class RatingScale(MinimalStim): """A class for obtaining ratings, e.g., on a 1-to-7 or categorical scale. This is a lazy-imported class, therefore import using full path `from psychopy.visual.ratingscale import RatingScale` when inheriting from it. A RatingScale instance is a re-usable visual object having a ``draw()`` method, with customizable appearance and response options. ``draw()`` displays the rating scale, handles the subject's mouse or key responses, and updates the display. When the subject accepts a selection, ``.noResponse`` goes ``False`` (i.e., there is a response). You can call the ``getRating()`` method anytime to get a rating, ``getRT()`` to get the decision time, or ``getHistory()`` to obtain the entire set of (rating, RT) pairs. There are five main elements of a rating scale: the `scale` (text above the line intended to be a reminder of how to use the scale), the `line` (with tick marks), the `marker` (a moveable visual indicator on the line), the `labels` (text below the line that label specific points), and the `accept` button. The appearance and function of elements can be customized by the experimenter; it is not possible to orient a rating scale to be vertical. Multiple scales can be displayed at the same time, and continuous real-time ratings can be obtained from the history. The Builder RatingScale component gives a restricted set of options, but also allows full control over a RatingScale via the 'customize_everything' field. A RatingScale instance has no idea what else is on the screen. The experimenter has to draw the item to be rated, and handle `escape` to break or quit, if desired. The subject can use the mouse or keys to respond. Direction keys (left, right) will move the marker in the smallest available increment (e.g., 1/10th of a tick-mark if precision = 10). **Example 1**: A basic 7-point scale:: ratingScale = visual.RatingScale(win) item = <statement, question, image, movie, ...> while ratingScale.noResponse: item.draw() ratingScale.draw() win.flip() rating = ratingScale.getRating() decisionTime = ratingScale.getRT() choiceHistory = ratingScale.getHistory() **Example 2**: For fMRI, sometimes only a keyboard can be used. If your response box sends keys 1-4, you could specify left, right, and accept keys, and not need a mouse:: ratingScale = visual.RatingScale( win, low=1, high=5, markerStart=4, leftKeys='1', rightKeys = '2', acceptKeys='4') **Example 3**: Categorical ratings can be obtained using choices:: ratingScale = visual.RatingScale( win, choices=['agree', 'disagree'], markerStart=0.5, singleClick=True) For other examples see Coder Demos -> stimuli -> :Authors: - 2010 Jeremy Gray: original code and on-going updates - 2012 Henrik Singmann: tickMarks, labels, ticksAboveLine - 2014 Jeremy Gray: multiple API changes (v1.80.00) """ def __init__(self, win, scale='<default>', choices=None, low=1, high=7, precision=1, labels=(), tickMarks=None, tickHeight=1.0, marker='triangle', markerStart=None, markerColor=None, markerExpansion=1, singleClick=False, disappear=False, textSize=1.0, textColor='LightGray', textFont='Helvetica Bold', showValue=True, showAccept=True, acceptKeys='return', acceptPreText='key, click', acceptText='accept?', acceptSize=1.0, leftKeys='left', rightKeys='right', respKeys=(), lineColor='White', colorSpace='rgb', skipKeys='tab', mouseOnly=False, noMouse=False, size=1.0, stretch=1.0, pos=None, minTime=0.4, maxTime=0.0, flipVert=False, depth=0, name=None, autoLog=True, **kwargs): # catch obsolete args """ :Parameters: win : A :class:`~psychopy.visual.Window` object (required). choices : A list of items which the subject can choose among. ``choices`` takes precedence over ``low``, ``high``, ``precision``, ``scale``, ``labels``, and ``tickMarks``. low : Lowest numeric rating (integer), default = 1. high : Highest numeric rating (integer), default = 7. precision : Portions of a tick to accept as input [1, 10, 60, 100]; default = 1 (a whole tick). Pressing a key in `leftKeys` or `rightKeys` will move the marker by one portion of a tick. precision=60 is intended to support ratings of time-based quantities, with seconds being fractional minutes (or minutes being fractional hours). The display uses a colon (min:sec, or hours:min) to signal this to participants. The value returned by getRating() will be a proportion of a minute (e.g., 1:30 -> 1.5, or 59 seconds -> 59/60 = 0.98333). hours:min:sec is not supported. scale : Optional reminder message about how to respond or rate an item, displayed above the line; default = '<low>=not at all, <high>=extremely'. To suppress the scale, set ``scale=None``. labels : Text to be placed at specific tick marks to indicate their value. Can be just the ends (if given 2 labels), ends + middle (if given 3 labels), or all points (if given the same number of labels as points). tickMarks : List of positions at which tick marks should be placed from low to high. The default is to space tick marks equally, one per integer value. tickHeight : The vertical height of tick marks: 1.0 is the default height (above line), -1.0 is below the line, and 0.0 suppresses the display of tickmarks. ``tickHeight`` is purely cosmetic, and can be fractional, e.g., 1.2. marker : The moveable visual indicator of the current selection. The predefined styles are 'triangle', 'circle', 'glow', 'slider', and 'hover'. A slider moves smoothly when there are enough screen positions to move through, e.g., low=0, high=100. Hovering requires a set of choices, and allows clicking directly on individual choices; dwell-time is not recorded. Can also be set to a custom marker stimulus: any object with a .draw() method and .pos will work, e.g., ``visual.TextStim(win, text='[]', units='norm')``. markerStart : The location or value to be pre-selected upon initial display, either numeric or one of the choices. Can be fractional, e.g., midway between two options. markerColor : Color to use for a predefined marker style, e.g., 'DarkRed'. markerExpansion : Only affects the `glow` marker: How much to expand or contract when moving rightward; 0=none, negative shrinks. singleClick : Enable a mouse click to both select and accept the rating, default = ``False``. A legal key press will also count as a singleClick. The 'accept' box is visible, but clicking it has no effect. pos : tuple (x, y) Position of the rating scale on the screen. The midpoint of the line will be positioned at ``(x, y)``; default = ``(0.0, -0.4)`` in norm units size : How much to expand or contract the overall rating scale display. Default size = 1.0. For larger than the default, set ``size`` > 1; for smaller, set < 1. stretch: Like ``size``, but only affects the horizontal direction. textSize : The size of text elements, relative to the default size (i.e., a scaling factor, not points). textColor : Color to use for labels and scale text; default = 'LightGray'. textFont : Name of the font to use; default = 'Helvetica Bold'. showValue : Show the subject their current selection default = ``True``. Ignored if singleClick is ``True``. showAccept : Show the button to click to accept the current value by using the mouse; default = ``True``. acceptPreText : The text to display before any value has been selected. acceptText : The text to display in the 'accept' button after a value has been selected. acceptSize : The width of the accept box relative to the default (e.g., 2 is twice as wide). acceptKeys : A list of keys that are used to accept the current response; default = 'return'. leftKeys : A list of keys that each mean "move leftwards"; default = 'left'. rightKeys : A list of keys that each mean "move rightwards"; default = 'right'. respKeys : A list of keys to use for selecting choices, in the desired order. The first item will be the left-most choice, the second item will be the next choice, and so on. skipKeys : List of keys the subject can use to skip a response, default = 'tab'. To require a response to every item, set ``skipKeys=None``. lineColor : The RGB color to use for the scale line, default = 'White'. mouseOnly : Require the subject to use the mouse (any keyboard input is ignored), default = ``False``. Can be used to avoid competing with other objects for keyboard input. noMouse: Require the subject to use keys to respond; disable and hide the mouse. `markerStart` will default to the left end. minTime : Seconds that must elapse before a response can be accepted, default = `0.4`. maxTime : Seconds after which a response cannot be accepted. If ``maxTime`` <= ``minTime``, there's no time limit. Default = `0.0` (no time limit). disappear : Whether the rating scale should vanish after a value is accepted. Can be useful when showing multiple scales. flipVert : Whether to mirror-reverse the rating scale in the vertical direction. """ # what local vars are defined (these are the init params) for use by # __repr__ self._initParams = dir() super(RatingScale, self).__init__(name=name, autoLog=False) # warn about obsolete arguments; Jan 2014, for v1.80: obsoleted = {'showScale', 'ticksAboveLine', 'displaySizeFactor', 'markerStyle', 'customMarker', 'allowSkip', 'stretchHoriz', 'escapeKeys', 'textSizeFactor', 'showScale', 'showAnchors', 'lowAnchorText', 'highAnchorText'} obsArgs = set(kwargs.keys()).intersection(obsoleted) if obsArgs: msg = ('RatingScale obsolete args: %s; see changelog v1.80.00' ' for notes on how to migrate') logging.error(msg % list(obsArgs)) core.quit() # kwargs will absorb everything, including typos, so warn about bad # args unknownArgs = set(kwargs.keys()).difference(obsoleted) if unknownArgs: msg = "RatingScale unknown kwargs: %s" logging.error(msg % list(unknownArgs)) core.quit() self.autoLog = False # needs to start off False = win self.disappear = disappear # internally work in norm units, restore to orig units at the end of # __init__: self.savedWinUnits ='norm', log=False) self.depth = depth # 'hover' style = like hyperlink with hover over choices: if marker == 'hover': showAccept = False singleClick = True textSize *= 1.5 mouseOnly = True noMouse = False self.colorSpace = colorSpace # make things well-behaved if the requested value(s) would be trouble: self._initFirst(showAccept, mouseOnly, noMouse, singleClick, acceptKeys, marker, markerStart, low, high, precision, choices, scale, tickMarks, labels, tickHeight) self._initMisc(minTime, maxTime) # Set scale & position, key-bindings: self._initPosScale(pos, size, stretch) self._initKeys(self.acceptKeys, skipKeys, leftKeys, rightKeys, respKeys) # Construct the visual elements: self._initLine(tickMarkValues=tickMarks, lineColor=lineColor, marker=marker) self._initMarker(marker, markerColor, markerExpansion) self._initTextElements(win, self.scale, textColor, textFont, textSize, showValue, tickMarks) self._initAcceptBox(self.showAccept, acceptPreText, acceptText, acceptSize, self.markerColor, self.textSizeSmall, textSize, self.textFont) # List-ify the visual elements; self.marker is handled separately self.visualDisplayElements = [] if self.showScale: self.visualDisplayElements += [self.scaleDescription] if self.showAccept: self.visualDisplayElements += [self.acceptBox, self.accept] if self.labels: for item in self.labels: if not item.text == '': # skip any empty placeholders self.visualDisplayElements.append(item) if marker != 'hover': self.visualDisplayElements += [self.line] # Mirror (flip) vertically if requested self.flipVert = False self.setFlipVert(flipVert) # Final touches: self.origScaleDescription = self.scaleDescription.text self.reset() # sets .status, among other things, log=False) self.timedOut = False self.beyondMinTime = False # set autoLog (now that params have been initialised) self.autoLog = autoLog if autoLog: logging.exp("Created %s = %s" % (, repr(self))) def __repr__(self, complete=False): return self.__str__(complete=complete) # from MinimalStim def _initFirst(self, showAccept, mouseOnly, noMouse, singleClick, acceptKeys, marker, markerStart, low, high, precision, choices, scale, tickMarks, labels, tickHeight): """some sanity checking; various things are set, especially those that are used later; choices, anchors, markerStart settings are handled here """ self.showAccept = bool(showAccept) self.mouseOnly = bool(mouseOnly) self.noMouse = bool(noMouse) and not self.mouseOnly # mouseOnly wins self.singleClick = bool(singleClick) self.acceptKeys = acceptKeys self.precision = precision self.labelTexts = None self.tickHeight = tickHeight if not self.showAccept: # the accept button is the mouse-based way to accept the current # response if len(list(self.acceptKeys)) == 0: # make sure there is in fact a way to respond using a # key-press: self.acceptKeys = ['return'] if self.mouseOnly and not self.singleClick: # then there's no way to respond, so deny mouseOnly / enable # using keys: self.mouseOnly = False msg = ("RatingScale %s: ignoring mouseOnly (because " "showAccept and singleClick are False)") logging.warning(msg % # 'choices' is a list of non-numeric (unordered) alternatives: if choices and len(list(choices)) < 2: msg = "RatingScale %s: choices requires 2 or more items" logging.error(msg % if choices and len(list(choices)) >= 2: low = 0 high = len(list(choices)) - 1 self.precision = 1 # a fractional choice makes no sense self.choices = choices self.labelTexts = choices else: self.choices = False if marker == 'hover' and not self.choices: logging.error("RatingScale: marker='hover' requires " "a set of choices.") core.quit() # Anchors need to be well-behaved [do after choices]: try: self.low = int(low) except Exception: self.low = 1 try: self.high = int(high) except Exception: self.high = self.low + 1 if self.high <= self.low: self.high = self.low + 1 self.precision = 100 if not self.choices: diff = self.high - self.low if labels and len(labels) == 2: # label the endpoints first, last = labels[0], labels[-1] self.labelTexts = [first] + [''] * (diff - 1) + [last] elif labels and len(labels) == 3 and diff > 1 and (1 + diff) % 2: # label endpoints and middle tick placeHolder = [''] * ((diff - 2) // 2) self.labelTexts = ([labels[0]] + placeHolder + [labels[1]] + placeHolder + [labels[2]]) elif labels in [None, False]: self.labelTexts = [] else: first, last = str(self.low), str(self.high) self.labelTexts = [first] + [''] * (diff - 1) + [last] self.scale = scale if tickMarks and not labels is False: if labels is None: self.labelTexts = tickMarks else: self.labelTexts = labels if len(self.labelTexts) != len(tickMarks): msg = "RatingScale %s: len(labels) not equal to len(tickMarks)" logging.warning(msg % self.labelTexts = tickMarks if self.scale == "<default>": self.scale = False # Marker pre-positioned? [do after anchors] try: self.markerStart = float(markerStart) except Exception: if (isinstance(markerStart, str) and type(self.choices) == list and markerStart in self.choices): self.markerStart = self.choices.index(markerStart) self.markerPlacedAt = self.markerStart self.markerPlaced = True else: self.markerStart = None self.markerPlaced = False else: # float(markerStart) succeeded self.markerPlacedAt = self.markerStart self.markerPlaced = True # default markerStart = 0 if needed but otherwise unspecified: if self.noMouse and self.markerStart is None: self.markerPlacedAt = self.markerStart = 0 self.markerPlaced = True def _initMisc(self, minTime, maxTime): # precision is the fractional parts of a tick mark to be sensitive to, # in [1,10,100]: if type(self.precision) != int or self.precision < 10: self.precision = 1 self.fmtStr = "%.0f" # decimal places, purely for display elif self.precision == 60: self.fmtStr = "%d:%s" # minutes:seconds.zfill(2) elif self.precision < 100: self.precision = 10 self.fmtStr = "%.1f" else: self.precision = 100 self.fmtStr = "%.2f" self.clock = core.Clock() # for decision time try: self.minTime = float(minTime) except ValueError: self.minTime = 1.0 self.minTime = max(self.minTime, 0.) try: self.maxTime = float(maxTime) except ValueError: self.maxTime = 0.0 self.allowTimeOut = bool(self.minTime < self.maxTime) self.myMouse = event.Mouse(, visible=bool(not self.noMouse)) # Mouse-click-able 'accept' button pulsates (cycles its brightness # over frames): framesPerCycle = 100 self.pulseColor = [0.6 + 0.22 * numpy.cos(i/15.65) for i in range(framesPerCycle)] def _initPosScale(self, pos, size, stretch, log=True): """position (x,y) and size (magnification) of the rating scale """ # Screen position (translation) of the rating scale as a whole: if pos: if len(list(pos)) == 2: offsetHoriz, offsetVert = pos elif log and self.autoLog: msg = "RatingScale %s: pos expects a tuple (x,y)" logging.warning(msg % try: self.offsetHoriz = float(offsetHoriz) except Exception: if self.savedWinUnits == 'pix': self.offsetHoriz = 0 else: # default x in norm units: self.offsetHoriz = 0.0 try: self.offsetVert = float(offsetVert) except Exception: if self.savedWinUnits == 'pix': self.offsetVert = int([1]/-5.0) else: # default y in norm units: self.offsetVert = -0.4 # pos=(x,y) will consider x,y to be in win units, but want norm # internally if self.savedWinUnits == 'pix': self.offsetHoriz = float(self.offsetHoriz) /[0] / 0.5 self.offsetVert = float(self.offsetVert) /[1] / 0.5 # just expose; not used elsewhere yet self.pos = [self.offsetHoriz, self.offsetVert] # Scale size (magnification) of the rating scale as a whole: try: self.stretch = float(stretch) except ValueError: self.stretch = 1. try: self.size = float(size) * 0.6 except ValueError: self.size = 0.6 def _initKeys(self, acceptKeys, skipKeys, leftKeys, rightKeys, respKeys): # keys for accepting the currently selected response: if self.mouseOnly: self.acceptKeys = [] # no valid keys, so must use mouse else: if type(acceptKeys) not in [list, tuple, set]: acceptKeys = [acceptKeys] self.acceptKeys = acceptKeys self.skipKeys = [] if skipKeys and not self.mouseOnly: if type(skipKeys) not in [list, tuple, set]: skipKeys = [skipKeys] self.skipKeys = list(skipKeys) if type(leftKeys) not in [list, tuple, set]: leftKeys = [leftKeys] self.leftKeys = leftKeys if type(rightKeys) not in [list, tuple, set]: rightKeys = [rightKeys] self.rightKeys = rightKeys # allow responding via arbitrary keys if given as a param: nonRespKeys = (self.leftKeys + self.rightKeys + self.acceptKeys + self.skipKeys) if respKeys and hasattr(respKeys, '__iter__'): self.respKeys = respKeys self.enableRespKeys = True if set(self.respKeys).intersection(nonRespKeys): msg = 'RatingScale %s: respKeys may conflict with other keys' logging.warning(msg % else: # allow resp via numeric keys if the response range is in 0-9 self.respKeys = [] if not self.mouseOnly and self.low > -1 and self.high < 10: self.respKeys = [str(i) for i in range(self.low, self.high + 1)] # but if any digit is used as an action key, that should # take precedence so disable using numeric keys: if set(self.respKeys).intersection(nonRespKeys) == set([]): self.enableRespKeys = True else: self.enableRespKeys = False if self.enableRespKeys: self.tickFromKeyPress = {} for i, key in enumerate(self.respKeys): self.tickFromKeyPress[key] = i + self.low # if self.noMouse: # could check that there are appropriate response keys self.allKeys = nonRespKeys + self.respKeys def _initLine(self, tickMarkValues=None, lineColor='White', marker=None): """define a ShapeStim to be a graphical line, with tick marks. ### Notes (JRG Aug 2010) Conceptually, the response line is always -0.5 to +0.5 ("internal" units). This line, of unit length, is scaled and translated for display. The line is effectively "center justified", expanding both left and right with scaling, with pos[] specifying the screen coordinate (in window units, norm or pix) of the mid-point of the response line. Tick marks are in integer units, internally 0 to (high-low), with 0 being the left end and (high-low) being the right end. (Subjects see low to high on the screen.) Non-numeric (categorical) choices are selected using tick-marks interpreted as an index, choice[tick]. Tick units get mapped to "internal" units based on their proportion of the total ticks (--> 0. to 1.). The unit-length internal line is expanded or contracted by stretch and size, and then is translated to position pos (offsetHoriz=pos[0], offsetVert=pos[1]). pos is the name of the arg, and its values appear in the code as offsetHoriz and offsetVert only for historical reasons (could be refactored for clarity). Auto-rescaling reduces the number of tick marks shown on the screen by a factor of 10, just for nicer appearance, without affecting the internal representation. Thus, the horizontal screen position of the i-th tick mark, where i in [0,n], for n total ticks (n = high-low), in screen units ('norm') will be: tick-i == offsetHoriz + (-0.5 + i/n ) * stretch * size So two special cases are: tick-0 (left end) == offsetHoriz - 0.5 * stretch * size tick-n (right end) == offsetHoriz + 0.5 * stretch * size The vertical screen position is just offsetVert (in screen norm units). To elaborate: tick-0 is the left-most tick, or "low anchor"; here 0 is internal, the subject sees <low>. tick-n is the right-most tick, or "high anchor", or internal-tick-(high-low), and the subject sees <high>. Intermediate ticks, i, are located proportionally between -0.5 to + 0.5, based on their proportion of the total number of ticks, float(i)/n. The "proportion of total" is used because it's a line of unit length, i.e., the same length as used to internally represent the scale (-0.5 to +0.5). If precision > 1, the user / experimenter is asking for fractional ticks. These map correctly onto [0, 1] as well without requiring special handling (just do ensure float() ). Another note: -0.5 to +0.5 looked too big to be the default size of the rating line in screen norm units, so I set the internal size = 0.6 to compensate (i.e., making everything smaller). The user can adjust the scaling around the default by setting size, stretch, or both. This means that the user / experimenter can just think of > 1 being expansion (and < 1 == contraction) relative to the default (internal) scaling, and not worry about the internal scaling. ### Notes (HS November 2012) To allow for labels at the ticks, the positions of the tick marks are saved in self.tickPositions. If tickMarks, those positions are used instead of the automatic positions. """ self.lineColor = lineColor # vertical height of each tick, norm units; used for markers too: self.baseSize = 0.04 # num tick marks to display, can get autorescaled self.tickMarks = float(self.high - self.low) self.autoRescaleFactor = 1 if tickMarkValues: tickTmp = numpy.asarray(tickMarkValues, dtype=numpy.float32) tickMarkPositions = (tickTmp - self.low)/self.tickMarks else: # visually remap 10 ticks onto 1 tick in some conditions (= # cosmetic): if (self.low == 0 and self.tickMarks > 20 and int(self.tickMarks) % 10 == 0): self.autoRescaleFactor = 10 self.tickMarks /= self.autoRescaleFactor tickMarkPositions = numpy.linspace(0, 1, int(self.tickMarks) + 1) self.scaledPrecision = float(self.precision * self.autoRescaleFactor) # how far a left or right key will move the marker, in tick units: self.keyIncrement = 1. / self.autoRescaleFactor / self.precision self.hStretchTotal = self.stretch * self.size # ends of the rating line, in norm units: self.lineLeftEnd = self.offsetHoriz - 0.5 * self.hStretchTotal self.lineRightEnd = self.offsetHoriz + 0.5 * self.hStretchTotal # space around the line within which to accept mouse input: # not needed if self.noMouse, but not a problem either pad = 0.06 * self.size if marker == 'hover': padText = ((1.0/(3 * (self.high - self.low))) * (self.lineRightEnd - self.lineLeftEnd)) else: padText = 0 self.nearLine = [ [self.lineLeftEnd - pad - padText, -2 * pad + self.offsetVert], [self.lineLeftEnd - pad - padText, 2 * pad + self.offsetVert], [self.lineRightEnd + pad + padText, 2 * pad + self.offsetVert], [self.lineRightEnd + pad + padText, -2 * pad + self.offsetVert]] # vertices for ShapeStim: self.tickPositions = [] # list to hold horizontal positions vertices = [[self.lineLeftEnd, self.offsetVert]] # first vertex # vertical height of ticks (purely cosmetic): if self.tickHeight is False: self.tickHeight = -1. # backwards compatibility for boolean # numeric -> scale tick height; float(True) == 1. tickSize = self.baseSize * self.size * float(self.tickHeight) lineLength = self.lineRightEnd - self.lineLeftEnd for count, tick in enumerate(tickMarkPositions): horizTmp = self.lineLeftEnd + lineLength * tick vertices += [[horizTmp, self.offsetVert + tickSize], [horizTmp, self.offsetVert]] if count < len(tickMarkPositions) - 1: tickRelPos = lineLength * tickMarkPositions[count + 1] nextHorizTmp = self.lineLeftEnd + tickRelPos vertices.append([nextHorizTmp, self.offsetVert]) self.tickPositions.append(horizTmp) vertices += [[self.lineRightEnd, self.offsetVert], [self.lineLeftEnd, self.offsetVert]] # create the line: self.line = ShapeStim(, units='norm', vertices=vertices, lineWidth=4, lineColor=self.lineColor, + '.line', autoLog=False) def _initMarker(self, marker, markerColor, expansion): """define a visual Stim to be used as the indicator. marker can be either a string, or a visual object (custom marker). """ # preparatory stuff: self.markerOffsetVert = 0. if isinstance(marker, str): self.markerStyle = marker elif not hasattr(marker, 'draw'): logging.error("RatingScale: custom marker has no draw() method") self.markerStyle = 'triangle' else: self.markerStyle = 'custom' if hasattr(marker, 'pos'): self.markerOffsetVert = marker.pos[1] else: logging.error( "RatingScale: custom marker has no pos attribute") self.markerSize = 8. * self.size if isinstance(markerColor, str): markerColor = markerColor.replace(' ', '') # define or create self.marker: if self.markerStyle == 'hover': self.marker = TextStim(, text=' ', units='norm', autoLog=False) # placeholder self.markerOffsetVert = .02 if not markerColor: markerColor = 'darkorange' elif self.markerStyle == 'triangle': scaledTickSize = self.baseSize * self.size vert = [[-1 * scaledTickSize * 1.8, scaledTickSize * 3], [scaledTickSize * 1.8, scaledTickSize * 3], [0, -0.005]] if markerColor is None: markerColor = 'DarkBlue' self.marker = ShapeStim(, units='norm', vertices=vert, lineWidth=0.1, lineColor=markerColor, fillColor=markerColor, + '.markerTri', autoLog=False) elif self.markerStyle == 'slider': scaledTickSize = self.baseSize * self.size vert = [[-1 * scaledTickSize * 1.8, scaledTickSize], [scaledTickSize * 1.8, scaledTickSize], [scaledTickSize * 1.8, -1 * scaledTickSize], [-1 * scaledTickSize * 1.8, -1 * scaledTickSize]] if markerColor is None: markerColor = 'black' self.marker = ShapeStim(, units='norm', vertices=vert, lineWidth=0.1, lineColor=markerColor, fillColor=markerColor, + '.markerSlider', opacity=0.7, autoLog=False) elif self.markerStyle == 'glow': if markerColor is None: markerColor = 'White' self.marker = PatchStim(, units='norm', tex=None, mask='gauss', color=markerColor, opacity=0.85, autoLog=False, + '.markerGlow') self.markerBaseSize = self.baseSize * self.markerSize self.markerOffsetVert = .02 self.markerExpansion = float(expansion) * 0.6 if self.markerExpansion == 0: self.markerBaseSize *= self.markerSize * 0.7 if self.markerSize > 1.2: self.markerBaseSize *= .7 self.marker.setSize(self.markerBaseSize/2.0, log=False) elif self.markerStyle == 'custom': if markerColor is None: if hasattr(marker, 'color'): try: # marker.color 0 causes problems elsewhere too if not marker.color: marker.color = 'DarkBlue' except ValueError: # testing truth value of list marker.color = 'DarkBlue' elif hasattr(marker, 'fillColor'): marker.color = marker.fillColor else: marker.color = 'DarkBlue' markerColor = marker.color if not hasattr(marker, 'name') or not = 'customMarker' self.marker = marker else: # 'circle': if markerColor is None: markerColor = 'DarkRed' x, y = windowRatio = y/x self.markerSizeVert = 3.2 * self.baseSize * self.size circleSize = [self.markerSizeVert * windowRatio, self.markerSizeVert] self.markerOffsetVert = self.markerSizeVert/2.0 self.marker = Circle(, size=circleSize, units='norm', lineColor=markerColor, fillColor=markerColor, + '.markerCir', autoLog=False) self.markerBaseSize = self.baseSize self.markerColor = markerColor self.markerYpos = self.offsetVert + self.markerOffsetVert # save initial state, restore on reset self.markerColorOriginal = markerColor def _initTextElements(self, win, scale, textColor, textFont, textSize, showValue, tickMarks): """creates TextStim for self.scaleDescription and self.labels """ # text appearance (size, color, font, visibility): self.showValue = bool(showValue) # hide if False self.textColor = textColor # rgb self.textFont = textFont self.textSize = 0.2 * textSize * self.size self.textSizeSmall = self.textSize * 0.6 # set the description text if not already set by user: if scale == '<default>': if self.choices: scale = '' else: msg = u' = not at all . . . extremely = ' scale = str(self.low) + msg + str(self.high) # create the TextStim: self.scaleDescription = TextStim(, height=self.textSizeSmall, pos=[self.offsetHoriz, 0.22 * self.size + self.offsetVert], color=self.textColor, wrapWidth=2 * self.hStretchTotal, font=textFont, autoLog=False) self.scaleDescription.font = textFont self.labels = [] if self.labelTexts: if self.markerStyle == 'hover': vertPosTmp = self.offsetVert # on the line = clickable labels else: vertPosTmp = -2 * self.textSizeSmall * self.size + self.offsetVert for i, label in enumerate(self.labelTexts): # need all labels for tick position, i if label or label is not None: # 'is not None' allows creation of '0' (zero or false) labels txtStim = TextStim(, text=str(label), font=textFont, pos=[self.tickPositions[i // self.autoRescaleFactor], vertPosTmp], height=self.textSizeSmall, color=self.textColor, autoLog=False) self.labels.append(txtStim) self.origScaleDescription = scale self.setDescription(scale) # do last def _setMarkerColor(self, color): """Set the fill color or color of the marker""" try: self.marker.setFillColor(color, colorSpace=self.colorSpace, log=False) except AttributeError: try: self.marker.setColor(color, colorSpace=self.colorSpace, log=False) except Exception: pass def setDescription(self, scale=None, log=True): """Method to set the brief description (scale). Useful when using the same RatingScale object to rate several dimensions. `setDescription(None)` will reset the description to its initial state. Set to a space character (' ') to make the description invisible. """ if scale is None: scale = self.origScaleDescription self.scaleDescription.setText(scale) self.showScale = bool(scale) # not in [None, False, ''] if log and self.autoLog: logging.exp('RatingScale %s: setDescription="%s"' % (, self.scaleDescription.text)) def _initAcceptBox(self, showAccept, acceptPreText, acceptText, acceptSize, markerColor, textSizeSmall, textSize, textFont): """creates a ShapeStim for self.acceptBox (mouse-click-able 'accept' button) and a TextStim for self.accept (container for the text shown inside the box) """ if not showAccept: # no point creating things that won't be used return self.acceptLineColor = [-.2, -.2, -.2] self.acceptFillColor = [.2, .2, .2] if self.labelTexts: boxVert = [0.3, 0.47] else: boxVert = [0.2, 0.37] # define self.acceptBox: sizeFactor = self.size * textSize leftRightAdjust = 0.04 + 0.2 * max(0.1, acceptSize) * sizeFactor acceptBoxtop = self.offsetVert - boxVert[0] * sizeFactor self.acceptBoxtop = acceptBoxtop acceptBoxbot = self.offsetVert - boxVert[1] * sizeFactor self.acceptBoxbot = acceptBoxbot acceptBoxleft = self.offsetHoriz - leftRightAdjust self.acceptBoxleft = acceptBoxleft acceptBoxright = self.offsetHoriz + leftRightAdjust self.acceptBoxright = acceptBoxright # define a rectangle with rounded corners; for square corners, set # delta2 to 0 delta = 0.025 * self.size delta2 = delta/7 acceptBoxVertices = [ [acceptBoxleft, acceptBoxtop - delta], [acceptBoxleft + delta2, acceptBoxtop - 3 * delta2], [acceptBoxleft + 3 * delta2, acceptBoxtop - delta2], [acceptBoxleft + delta, acceptBoxtop], [acceptBoxright - delta, acceptBoxtop], [acceptBoxright - 3 * delta2, acceptBoxtop - delta2], [acceptBoxright - delta2, acceptBoxtop - 3 * delta2], [acceptBoxright, acceptBoxtop - delta], [acceptBoxright, acceptBoxbot + delta], [acceptBoxright - delta2, acceptBoxbot + 3 * delta2], [acceptBoxright - 3 * delta2, acceptBoxbot + delta2], [acceptBoxright - delta, acceptBoxbot], [acceptBoxleft + delta, acceptBoxbot], [acceptBoxleft + 3 * delta2, acceptBoxbot + delta2], [acceptBoxleft + delta2, acceptBoxbot + 3 * delta2], [acceptBoxleft, acceptBoxbot + delta]] # interpolation looks bad on linux, as of Aug 2010 interpolate = bool(not sys.platform.startswith('linux')) self.acceptBox = ShapeStim(, vertices=acceptBoxVertices, fillColor=self.acceptFillColor, lineColor=self.acceptLineColor, interpolate=interpolate, autoLog=False) # text to display inside accept button before a marker is placed: if self.low > 0 and self.high < 10 and not self.mouseOnly: self.keyClick = 'key, click' else: self.keyClick = 'click line' if acceptPreText != 'key, click': # non-default self.keyClick = str(acceptPreText) self.acceptText = str(acceptText) # create the TextStim: self.accept = TextStim(, text=self.keyClick, font=self.textFont, pos=[self.offsetHoriz, (acceptBoxtop + acceptBoxbot)/2.0], italic=True, height=textSizeSmall, color=self.textColor, autoLog=False) self.accept.font = textFont self.acceptTextColor = markerColor if isinstance(markerColor, str): # warning raised if color not specified as a string if markerColor in ['White']: self.acceptTextColor = 'Black' def _getMarkerFromPos(self, mouseX): """Convert mouseX into units of tick marks, 0 .. high-low. Will be fractional if precision > 1 """ value = min(max(mouseX, self.lineLeftEnd), self.lineRightEnd) # map mouseX==0 -> mid-point of tick scale: _tickStretch = self.tickMarks/self.hStretchTotal adjValue = value - self.offsetHoriz markerPos = adjValue * _tickStretch + self.tickMarks/2.0 # We need float value in getRating(), but round() returns # numpy.float64 if argument is numpy.float64 in Python3. # So we have to convert return value of round() to float. rounded = float(round(markerPos * self.scaledPrecision)) return rounded/self.scaledPrecision def _getMarkerFromTick(self, tick): """Convert a requested tick value into a position on internal scale. Accounts for non-zero low end, autoRescale, and precision. """ # ensure its on the line: value = max(min(self.high, tick), self.low) # set requested precision: value = round(value * self.scaledPrecision)//self.scaledPrecision return (value - self.low) * self.autoRescaleFactor def setMarkerPos(self, tick): """Method to allow the experimenter to set the marker's position on the scale (in units of tick marks). This method can also set the index within a list of choices (which start at 0). No range checking is done. Assuming you have defined rs = RatingScale(...), you can specify a tick position directly:: rs.setMarkerPos(2) or do range checking, precision management, and auto-rescaling:: rs.setMarkerPos(rs._getMarkerFromTick(2)) To work from a screen coordinate, such as the X position of a mouse click:: rs.setMarkerPos(rs._getMarkerFromPos(mouseX)) """ self.markerPlacedAt = tick self.markerPlaced = True # only needed first time def setFlipVert(self, newVal=True, log=True): """Sets current vertical mirroring to ``newVal``. """ if self.flipVert != newVal: self.flipVert = not self.flipVert self.markerYpos *= -1 groupFlipVert([self.nearLine, self.marker] + self.visualDisplayElements) logAttrib(self, log, 'flipVert') # autoDraw and setAutoDraw are inherited from basevisual.MinimalStim def acceptResponse(self, triggeringAction, log=True): """Commit and optionally log a response and the action. """ self.noResponse = False self.history.append((self.getRating(), self.getRT())) if log and self.autoLog: vals = (, triggeringAction, str(self.getRating()))'RatingScale %s: (%s) rating=%s' % vals) def setYPos(self, newPos = None): """ This function can be called by the user to change the Y-positioning of the rating scale. X location remains unchanged. """ oldXPos, oldYPos = self.offsetHoriz, self.offsetVert if not newPos is None: if len(list(newPos)) == 2: offsetHoriz, offsetVert = newPos self.offsetHoriz = float(offsetHoriz) self.offsetVert = float(offsetVert) for positions in self.visualDisplayElements: # change location of elements based on position arg if not positions.pos is None: if 'ShapeStim' in str(type(positions)): offsetY = abs(oldYPos - positions.pos[1]) positions.setPos([positions.pos[0], self.offsetVert + offsetY]) if '.line' in then change Y location of marker and mouse click box self.markerYpos = self.offsetVert self.nearLine[0][1],self.nearLine[3][1] = offsetVert-.072, offsetVert-.072 self.nearLine[1][1], self.nearLine[2][1] = offsetVert +.072, offsetVert + .072 if 'TextStim' in str(type(positions)): offsetY = abs(oldYPos-positions.pos[1]) positions.setPos([positions.pos[0], self.offsetVert - offsetY]) def draw(self, log=True): """Update the visual display, check for response (key, mouse, skip). Sets response flags: `self.noResponse`, `self.timedOut`. `draw()` only draws the rating scale, not the item to be rated. """'norm', log=False) # get restored if self.firstDraw: self.firstDraw = False self.clock.reset() self.status = STARTED if self.markerStart: # has been converted in index if given as str if (self.markerStart % 1 or self.markerStart < 0 or self.markerStart > self.high or self.choices is False): first = self.markerStart else: # back to str for history first = self.choices[int(self.markerStart)] else: first = None self.history = [(first, 0.0)] # this will grow self.beyondMinTime = False # has minTime elapsed? self.timedOut = False if not self.beyondMinTime: self.beyondMinTime = bool(self.clock.getTime() > self.minTime) # beyond maxTime = timed out? max < min means never allow time-out if (self.allowTimeOut and not self.timedOut and self.maxTime < self.clock.getTime()): # only do this stuff once self.timedOut = True self.acceptResponse('timed out: %.3fs' % self.maxTime, log=log) # 'disappear' == draw nothing if subj is done: if self.noResponse == False and self.disappear:, log=False) return # draw everything except the marker: for visualElement in self.visualDisplayElements: visualElement.draw() # draw a fixed marker if the scale is being drawn after a response: if self.noResponse == False: # fix the marker position on the line if not self.markerPosFixed: self._setMarkerColor('DarkGray') # drop it onto the line self.marker.setPos((0, -.012), ('+', '-')[self.flipVert], log=False) self.markerPosFixed = True # flag to park it there self.marker.draw() if self.showAccept: self.acceptBox.draw() # hides the text, log=False) return # makes the marker unresponsive if self.noMouse: mouseNearLine = False else: mouseX, mouseY = self.myMouse.getPos() # norm units mouseNearLine = pointInPolygon(mouseX, mouseY, self.nearLine) # draw a dynamic marker: if self.markerPlaced or self.singleClick: # update position: if self.singleClick and mouseNearLine: self.setMarkerPos(self._getMarkerFromPos(mouseX)) proportion = self.markerPlacedAt/self.tickMarks # expansion for 'glow', based on proportion of total line if self.markerStyle == 'glow' and self.markerExpansion != 0: if self.markerExpansion > 0: newSize = 0.1 * self.markerExpansion * proportion newOpacity = 0.2 + proportion else: # self.markerExpansion < 0: newSize = - 0.1 * self.markerExpansion * (1 - proportion) newOpacity = 1.2 - proportion self.marker.setSize(self.markerBaseSize + newSize, log=False) self.marker.setOpacity(min(1, max(0, newOpacity)), log=False) # set the marker's screen position based on tick (== # markerPlacedAt) if self.markerPlacedAt is not False: x = self.offsetHoriz + self.hStretchTotal * (-0.5 + proportion) self.marker.setPos((x, self.markerYpos), log=False) self.marker.draw() if self.showAccept and self.markerPlacedBySubject: self.frame = (self.frame + 1) % 100 self.acceptBox.setFillColor( self.pulseColor[self.frame], colorSpace=self.colorSpace, log=False) self.acceptBox.setLineColor( self.pulseColor[self.frame], colorSpace=self.colorSpace, log=False) self.accept.setColor(self.acceptTextColor, colorSpace=self.colorSpace, log=False) if self.showValue and self.markerPlacedAt is not False: if self.choices: val = str(self.choices[int(self.markerPlacedAt)]) elif self.precision == 60: valTmp = self.markerPlacedAt + self.low minutes = int(valTmp) # also works for hours:minutes seconds = int(60. * (valTmp - minutes)) val = self.fmtStr % (minutes, str(seconds).zfill(2)) else: valTmp = self.markerPlacedAt + self.low val = self.fmtStr % (valTmp * self.autoRescaleFactor) self.accept.setText(val) elif self.markerPlacedAt is not False: self.accept.setText(self.acceptText) # handle key responses: if not self.mouseOnly: for key in event.getKeys(self.allKeys): if key in self.skipKeys: self.markerPlacedAt = None self.noResponse = False self.history.append((None, self.getRT())) elif key in self.respKeys and self.enableRespKeys: # place the marker at the corresponding tick (from key) self.markerPlaced = True self.markerPlacedBySubject = True resp = self.tickFromKeyPress[key] self.markerPlacedAt = self._getMarkerFromTick(resp) proportion = self.markerPlacedAt/self.tickMarks self.marker.setPos( [self.size * (-0.5 + proportion), 0], log=False) if self.markerPlaced and self.beyondMinTime: # placed by experimenter (as markerStart) or by subject if (self.markerPlacedBySubject or self.markerStart is None or not self.markerStart % self.keyIncrement): # inefficient to do every frame... leftIncr = rightIncr = self.keyIncrement else: # markerStart is fractional; arrow keys move to next # location leftIncr = self.markerStart % self.keyIncrement rightIncr = self.keyIncrement - leftIncr if key in self.leftKeys: self.markerPlacedAt = self.markerPlacedAt - leftIncr self.markerPlacedBySubject = True elif key in self.rightKeys: self.markerPlacedAt = self.markerPlacedAt + rightIncr self.markerPlacedBySubject = True elif key in self.acceptKeys: self.acceptResponse('key response', log=log) # off the end? self.markerPlacedAt = max(0, self.markerPlacedAt) self.markerPlacedAt = min( self.tickMarks, self.markerPlacedAt) if (self.markerPlacedBySubject and self.singleClick and self.beyondMinTime): self.marker.setPos((0, self.offsetVert), '+', log=False) self.acceptResponse('key single-click', log=log) # handle mouse left-click: if not self.noMouse and self.myMouse.getPressed()[0]: # mouseX, mouseY = self.myMouse.getPos() # done above # if click near the line, place the marker there: if mouseNearLine: self.markerPlaced = True self.markerPlacedBySubject = True self.markerPlacedAt = self._getMarkerFromPos(mouseX) if self.singleClick and self.beyondMinTime: self.acceptResponse('mouse single-click', log=log) # if click in accept box and conditions are met, accept the # response: elif (self.showAccept and self.markerPlaced and self.beyondMinTime and self.acceptBox.contains(mouseX, mouseY)): self.acceptResponse('mouse response', log=log) if self.markerStyle == 'hover' and self.markerPlaced: # 'hover' --> noMouse = False during init if (mouseNearLine or self.markerPlacedAt != self.markerPlacedAtLast): if hasattr(self, 'targetWord'): self.targetWord.setColor(self.textColor, colorSpace=self.colorSpace, log=False) # self.targetWord.setHeight(self.textSizeSmall, log=False) # # avoid TextStim memory leak self.targetWord = self.labels[int(self.markerPlacedAt)] self.targetWord.setColor(self.markerColor, colorSpace=self.colorSpace, log=False) # skip size change to reduce mem leakage from pyglet text # self.targetWord.setHeight(1.05*self.textSizeSmall,log=False) self.markerPlacedAtLast = self.markerPlacedAt elif not mouseNearLine and self.wasNearLine: self.targetWord.setColor(self.textColor, colorSpace=self.colorSpace, log=False) # self.targetWord.setHeight(self.textSizeSmall, log=False) self.wasNearLine = mouseNearLine # decision time = sec from first .draw() to when first 'accept' value: if not self.noResponse and self.decisionTime == 0: self.decisionTime = self.clock.getTime() if log and self.autoLog:'RatingScale %s: rating RT=%.3f' % (, self.decisionTime))'RatingScale %s: history=%s' % (, self.getHistory())) # minimum time is enforced during key and mouse handling self.status = FINISHED if self.showAccept: self.acceptBox.setFillColor(self.acceptFillColor, colorSpace=self.colorSpace, log=False) self.acceptBox.setLineColor(self.acceptLineColor, colorSpace=self.colorSpace, log=False) else: # build up response history if no decision or skip yet: tmpRating = self.getRating() if (self.history[-1][0] != tmpRating and self.markerPlacedBySubject): self.history.append((tmpRating, self.getRT())) # tuple # restore user's units:, log=False) def reset(self, log=True): """Restores the rating-scale to its post-creation state. The history is cleared, and the status is set to NOT_STARTED. Does not restore the scale text description (such reset is needed between items when rating multiple items) """ # only resets things that are likely to have changed when the # ratingScale instance is used by a subject # reset label color if using hover if self.markerStyle == 'hover': for labels in self.labels: labels.setColor(self.textColor, colorSpace=self.colorSpace, log=False) self.noResponse = True # restore in case it turned gray, etc self.markerColor = self.markerColorOriginal self._setMarkerColor(self.markerColor) # placed by subject or markerStart: show on screen self.markerPlaced = False # placed by subject is actionable: show value, singleClick self.markerPlacedBySubject = False self.markerPlacedAt = False # NB markerStart could be 0; during __init__, its forced to be numeric # and valid, or None (not boolean) if self.markerStart != None: self.markerPlaced = True # __init__ assures this is valid: self.markerPlacedAt = self.markerStart - self.low self.markerPlacedAtLast = -1 # unplaced self.wasNearLine = False self.firstDraw = True # -> self.clock.reset() at start of draw() self.decisionTime = 0 self.markerPosFixed = False self.frame = 0 # a counter used only to 'pulse' the 'accept' box if self.showAccept: self.acceptBox.setFillColor(self.acceptFillColor, colorSpace=self.colorSpace, log=False) self.acceptBox.setLineColor(self.acceptLineColor, colorSpace=self.colorSpace, log=False) self.accept.setColor('#444444', colorSpace='hex', log=False) # greyed out self.accept.setText(self.keyClick, log=False) if log and self.autoLog: logging.exp('RatingScale %s: reset()' % self.status = NOT_STARTED self.history = None def getRating(self): """Returns the final, accepted rating, or the current value. The rating is None if the subject skipped this item, took longer than ``maxTime``, or no rating is available yet. Returns the currently indicated rating even if it has not been accepted yet (and so might change until accept is pressed). The first rating in the list will have the value of markerStart (whether None, a numeric value, or a choice value). """ if self.noResponse and self.status == FINISHED: return None if not type(self.markerPlacedAt) in [float, int]: return None # eg, if skipped a response # set type for the response, based on what was wanted val = self.markerPlacedAt * self.autoRescaleFactor if self.precision == 1: response = int(val) + self.low else: response = float(val) + self.low if self.choices: try: response = self.choices[response] except Exception: pass # == we have a numeric fractional choice from markerStart and # want to save the numeric value as first item in the history return response def getRT(self): """Returns the seconds taken to make the rating (or to indicate skip). Returns None if no rating available, or maxTime if the response timed out. Returns the time elapsed so far if no rating has been accepted yet (e.g., for continuous usage). """ if self.status != FINISHED: return round(self.clock.getTime(), 3) if self.noResponse: if self.timedOut: return round(self.maxTime, 3) return None return round(self.decisionTime, 3) def getHistory(self): """Return a list of the subject's history as (rating, time) tuples. The history can be retrieved at any time, allowing for continuous ratings to be obtained in real-time. Both numerical and categorical choices are stored automatically in the history. """ return self.history

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