

Form(win[, name, colorSpace, fillColor, ...])

A class to add Forms to a psychopy.visual.Window

The Window object in which the stimulus will be rendered by default.


This determines the coordinates of the vertices for the current stimulus in pixels, accounting for size, ori, pos and units



Placeholder method to update colours when set externally, for example updating the pallette attribute of a textbox.


Placeholder method to update colours when set externally, for example updating the pallette attribute of a textbox



The size (width, height) of the stimulus in the stimulus units

Form.setSize(newSize[, operation, units, log])

Usually you can use 'stim.attribute = value' syntax instead, but use this method if you need to suppress the log message

Form.setScrollSpeed(items[, multiplier])

Set scroll speed of Form.

Form.setRGB(color[, operation, log])

DEPRECATED: Legacy setter for foreground RGB, instead set obj._foreColor.rgb

Form.setPos(newPos[, operation, log])

Usually you can use 'stim.attribute = value' syntax instead, but use this method if you need to suppress the log message.

Form.setOri(newOri[, operation, log])

Usually you can use 'stim.attribute = value' syntax instead, but use this method if you need to suppress the log message

Form.setOpacity(newOpacity[, operation, log])

Hard setter for opacity, allows the suppression of log messages and calls the update method

Form.setLineColor(color[, colorSpace, ...])

Form.setLMS(color[, operation])

DEPRECATED since v1.60.05: Please use the color attribute

Form.setForeColor(color[, colorSpace, ...])

Hard setter for foreColor, allows suppression of the log message, simultaneous colorSpace setting and calls update methods.

Form.setFillColor(color[, colorSpace, ...])

Hard setter for fillColor, allows suppression of the log message, simultaneous colorSpace setting and calls update methods.

Form.setDepth(newDepth[, operation, log])

Usually you can use 'stim.attribute = value' syntax instead, but use this method if you need to suppress the log message

Form.setDKL(color[, operation])

DEPRECATED since v1.60.05: Please use the color attribute

Form.setContrast(newContrast[, operation, log])

Usually you can use 'stim.attribute = value' syntax instead, but use this method if you need to suppress the log message

Form.setColor(color[, colorSpace, ...])

Form.setBorderColor(color[, colorSpace, ...])

Hard setter for fillColor, allows suppression of the log message, simultaneous colorSpace setting and calls update methods.

Form.setBackColor(color[, colorSpace, ...])

Form.setAutoLog([value, log])

Usually you can use 'stim.attribute = value' syntax instead, but use this method if you need to suppress the log message.

Form.setAutoDraw(value[, log])

Sets autoDraw for Form and any responseCtrl contained within


The position of the center of the stimulus in the stimulus units


Returns True if this stimulus intersects another one.


The orientation of the stimulus (in degrees).


Determines how visible the stimulus is relative to background.

The name (str) of the object to be using during logged messages about this stim.


Alternative way of setting borderColor.



Import items from csv or excel sheet and convert to list of dicts.


Extracts form questions, response ratings and response times from Form items


Deprecated in version 2020.2.


Sets both itemColor and responseColor to the same value


Color of the form's background


Draw all form elements


DEPRECATED, depth is now controlled simply by drawing order.


A value that is simply multiplied by the color.

Form.contains(x[, y, units])

Returns True if a point x,y is inside the stimulus' border.


A read-only property to determine if the current form is complete


The name of the color space currently being used


Alternative way of setting foreColor.


Color of the line around the form


Alternative way of setting fillColor


Whether every change in this stimulus should be auto logged.


Determines whether the stimulus should be automatically drawn on every frame flip.

Form.addDataToExp(exp[, itemsAs])

Gets the current Form data and inserts into an ExperimentHandler object either as rows or as columns


class psychopy.visual.Form(win, name='default', colorSpace='rgb', fillColor=None, borderColor=None, itemColor='white', responseColor='white', markerColor='red', items=None, font=None, textHeight=0.02, size=(0.5, 0.5), pos=(0, 0), style=None, itemPadding=0.05, units='height', randomize=False, autoLog=True, depth=0, color=None, foreColor=None)[source]

A class to add Forms to a psychopy.visual.Window

The Form allows Psychopy to be used as a questionnaire tool, where participants can be presented with a series of questions requiring responses. Form items, defined as questions and response pairs, are presented simultaneously onscreen with a scrollable viewing window.


survey = Form(win, items=[{}], size=(1.0, 0.7), pos=(0.0, 0.0))

  • win (psychopy.visual.Window) – The window object to present the form.

  • items (List of dicts or csv or xlsx file) –

    a list of dicts or csv file should have the following key, value pairs / column headers:

    ”index”: The item index as a number “itemText”: item question string, “itemWidth”: fraction of the form width 0:1 “type”: type of rating e.g., ‘radio’, ‘rating’, ‘slider’ “responseWidth”: fraction of the form width 0:1, “options”: list of tick labels for options, “layout”: Response object layout e.g., ‘horiz’ or ‘vert’

  • textHeight (float) – Text height.

  • size (tuple, list) – Size of form on screen.

  • pos (tuple, list) – Position of form on screen.

  • itemPadding (float) – Space or padding between form items.

  • units (str) – units for stimuli - Currently, Form class only operates with ‘height’ units.

  • randomize (bool) – Randomize order of Form elements

property RGB

Legacy property for setting the foreground color of a stimulus in RGB, instead use obj._foreColor.rgb




DEPRECATED in 1.80.00. This functionality is now handled by _updateVertices() and verticesPix.


DEPRECATED in 1.80.00. This functionality is now handled by _updateVertices() and verticesPix


Define layout of form


Draw elements on form within border range.


items (List) – List of TextStim or Slider item from survey


Draw decorations on form.


Draw decorations outside the aperture

_getDesiredRGB(rgb, colorSpace, contrast)

Convert color to RGB while adding contrast. Requires self.rgb, self.colorSpace and self.contrast

_getItemHeight(item, ctrl=None)[source]

Returns the full height of the item to be inserted in the form


Returns text width for item text based on itemWidth and Form width.


size (float, int) – The question width


Wrap width for question text

Return type:



DEPRECATED. Return a list of vertices as rendered.


Calculate offset position of items in relation to markerPos. Offset is a proportion of vheight - height, meaning the max offset (when scrollbar.markerPos is 1) is enough to take the bottom element to the bottom of the border.


Offset position of items proportionate to scroll bar

Return type:



Check whether item position falls within border area


item (TextStim, Slider object) – TextStim or Slider item from survey


Returns True if item position falls within border area

Return type:



This needs to be done when editable textboxes change their size because everything below them needs to move too


Creates Slider object for Form class

  • item (dict) – The dict entry for a single item

  • pos (tuple) – position of response object


  • psychopy.visual.slider.Slider – The Slider object for response

  • respHeight – The height of the response object as type float


Creates TextBox object for Form class

NOTE: The TextBox 2 in work in progress, and has not been added to Form class yet. :param item: The dict entry for a single item :type item: dict :param pos: position of response object :type pos: tuple


  • psychopy.visual.TextBox – The TextBox object for response

  • respHeight – The height of the response object as type float


Switch drawing to the specified window. Calls the window’s _setCurrent() method which handles the switch.

_set(attrib, val, op='', log=None)

DEPRECATED since 1.80.04 + 1. Use setAttribute() and val2array() instead.


Blocks text beyond border using Aperture


The aperture setting viewable area for forms

Return type:



Creates border using Rect


The border for the survey

Return type:



Sets Form decorations i.e., Border and scrollbar


Creates TextStim object containing question


item (dict) – The dict entry for a single item


  • psychopy.visual.text.TextStim – The textstim object with the question string

  • questionHeight – The height of the question bounding box as type float

  • questionWidth – The width of the question bounding box as type float


Makes calls to methods which make Slider or TextBox response objects for Form

  • item (dict) – The dict entry for a single item

  • question (TextStim) – The question text object


  • psychopy.visual.slider.Slider – The Slider object for response

  • psychopy.visual.TextBox – The TextBox object for response

  • respHeight – The height of the response object as type float


Creates Slider object for scrollbar


The Slider object for scroll bar

Return type:



The user shouldn’t need this method since it gets called after every call to .set() Chooses between using and not using shaders each call.


Sets Stim.verticesPix and ._borderPix from pos, size, ori, flipVert, flipHoriz

addDataToExp(exp, itemsAs='rows')[source]

Gets the current Form data and inserts into an ExperimentHandler object either as rows or as columns

  • exp (ExperimentHandler) –

  • itemsAs ('rows','cols' (or 'columns')) –

property anchor

Determines whether the stimulus should be automatically drawn on every frame flip.

Value should be: True or False. You do NOT need to set this on every frame flip!


Whether every change in this stimulus should be auto logged.

Value should be: True or False. Set to False if your stimulus is updating frequently (e.g. updating its position every frame) and you want to avoid swamping the log file with messages that aren’t likely to be useful.

property backColor

Alternative way of setting fillColor

property backColorSpace

Deprecated, please use colorSpace to set color space for the entire object.

property backRGB

Legacy property for setting the fill color of a stimulus in RGB, instead use obj._fillColor.rgb



property backgroundColor

Alternative way of setting fillColor

property borderColor

Color of the line around the form

property borderColorSpace

Deprecated, please use colorSpace to set color space for the entire object

property borderRGB

Legacy property for setting the border color of a stimulus in RGB, instead use obj._borderColor.rgb



property color

Alternative way of setting foreColor.

property colorSpace

The name of the color space currently being used

Value should be: a string or None

For strings and hex values this is not needed. If None the default colorSpace for the stimulus is used (defined during initialisation).

Please note that changing colorSpace does not change stimulus parameters. Thus you usually want to specify colorSpace before setting the color. Example:

# A light green text
stim = visual.TextStim(win, 'Color me!',
                       color=(0, 1, 0), colorSpace='rgb')

# An almost-black text
stim.colorSpace = 'rgb255'

# Make it light green again
stim.color = (128, 255, 128)
property complete

A read-only property to determine if the current form is complete

contains(x, y=None, units=None)

Returns True if a point x,y is inside the stimulus’ border.

Can accept variety of input options:
  • two separate args, x and y

  • one arg (list, tuple or array) containing two vals (x,y)

  • an object with a getPos() method that returns x,y, such

    as a Mouse.

Returns True if the point is within the area defined either by its border attribute (if one defined), or its vertices attribute if there is no .border. This method handles complex shapes, including concavities and self-crossings.

Note that, if your stimulus uses a mask (such as a Gaussian) then this is not accounted for by the contains method; the extent of the stimulus is determined purely by the size, position (pos), and orientation (ori) settings (and by the vertices for shape stimuli).

See Coder demos: See Coder demos:

property contrast

A value that is simply multiplied by the color.

Value should be: a float between -1 (negative) and 1 (unchanged).

Operations supported.

Set the contrast of the stimulus, i.e. scales how far the stimulus deviates from the middle grey. You can also use the stimulus opacity to control contrast, but that cannot be negative.


stim.contrast =  1.0  # unchanged contrast
stim.contrast =  0.5  # decrease contrast
stim.contrast =  0.0  # uniform, no contrast
stim.contrast = -0.5  # slightly inverted
stim.contrast = -1.0  # totally inverted

Setting contrast outside range -1 to 1 is permitted, but may produce strange results if color values exceeds the monitor limits.:

stim.contrast =  1.2  # increases contrast
stim.contrast = -1.2  # inverts with increased contrast

DEPRECATED, depth is now controlled simply by drawing order.


Draw all form elements

property fillColor

Color of the form’s background

property fillColorSpace

Deprecated, please use colorSpace to set color space for the entire object.

property fillRGB

Legacy property for setting the fill color of a stimulus in RGB, instead use obj._fillColor.rgb



property flip

1x2 array for flipping vertices along each axis; set as True to flip or False to not flip. If set as a single value, will duplicate across both axes. Accessing the protected attribute (._flip) will give an array of 1s and -1s with which to multiply vertices.

property flipHoriz
property flipVert
property fontColor

Alternative way of setting foreColor.

property foreColor

Sets both itemColor and responseColor to the same value

property foreColorSpace

Deprecated, please use colorSpace to set color space for the entire object.

property foreRGB

Legacy property for setting the foreground color of a stimulus in RGB, instead use obj._foreColor.rgb




Deprecated in version 2020.2. Please use the Form.complete property


Extracts form questions, response ratings and response times from Form items


A copy of the data as a list of dicts

Return type:


property height

Import items from csv or excel sheet and convert to list of dicts. Will also accept a list of dicts.

Note, for csv and excel files, ‘options’ must contain comma separated values, e.g., one, two, three. No parenthesis, or quotation marks required.


items (Excel or CSV file, list of dicts) – Items used to populate the Form


A list of dicts, where each list entry is a dict containing all fields for a single Form item

Return type:

List of dicts

property itemColor

Color of the text on form items

knownStyles = {'dark': {'borderColor': None, 'fillColor': [-0.19, -0.19, -0.14], 'font': 'Open Sans', 'itemColor': 'white', 'markerColor': [0.89, -0.35, -0.28], 'responseColor': 'white'}, 'light': {'borderColor': None, 'fillColor': [0.89, 0.89, 0.89], 'font': 'Open Sans', 'itemColor': 'black', 'markerColor': [0.89, -0.35, -0.28], 'responseColor': 'black'}}
property lineColor

Alternative way of setting borderColor.

property lineColorSpace

Deprecated, please use colorSpace to set color space for the entire object

property lineRGB

Legacy property for setting the border color of a stimulus in RGB, instead use obj._borderColor.rgb



property markerColor

Color of the marker on any sliders in this form


The name (str) of the object to be using during logged messages about this stim. If you have multiple stimuli in your experiment this really helps to make sense of log files!

If name = None your stimulus will be called “unnamed <type>”, e.g. visual.TextStim(win) will be called “unnamed TextStim” in the logs.

property opacity

Determines how visible the stimulus is relative to background.

The value should be a single float ranging 1.0 (opaque) to 0.0 (transparent). Operations are supported. Precisely how this is used depends on the Blend Mode.


The orientation of the stimulus (in degrees).

Should be a single value (scalar). Operations are supported.

Orientation convention is like a clock: 0 is vertical, and positive values rotate clockwise. Beyond 360 and below zero values wrap appropriately.


Returns True if this stimulus intersects another one.

If polygon is another stimulus instance, then the vertices and location of that stimulus will be used as the polygon. Overlap detection is typically very good, but it can fail with very pointy shapes in a crossed-swords configuration.

Note that, if your stimulus uses a mask (such as a Gaussian blob) then this is not accounted for by the overlaps method; the extent of the stimulus is determined purely by the size, pos, and orientation settings (and by the vertices for shape stimuli).

See coder demo,

property pos

The position of the center of the stimulus in the stimulus units

value should be an x,y-pair. Operations are also supported.


stim.pos = (0.5, 0)  # Set slightly to the right of center
stim.pos += (0.5, -1)  # Increment pos rightwards and upwards.
    Is now (1.0, -1.0)
stim.pos *= 0.2  # Move stim towards the center.
    Is now (0.2, -0.2)

Tip: If you need the position of stim in pixels, you can obtain it like this:

from import posToPix
posPix = posToPix(stim)

Clear all responses and set all items to their initial values.

property responseColor

Color of the lines and text on form responses

property scrollbarWidth

Width of the scrollbar for this Form, in the spatial units of this Form. Can also be set as a layout.Vector object.

setAnchor(value, log=None)
setAutoDraw(value, log=None)[source]

Sets autoDraw for Form and any responseCtrl contained within

setAutoLog(value=True, log=None)

Usually you can use ‘stim.attribute = value’ syntax instead, but use this method if you need to suppress the log message.

setBackColor(color, colorSpace=None, operation='', log=None)
setBackColorSpace(value, log=None, operation=False, stealth=False)
setBackRGB(color, operation='', log=None)

DEPRECATED: Legacy setter for fill RGB, instead set obj._fillColor.rgb

setBackgroundColor(color, colorSpace=None, operation='', log=None)
setBorderColor(color, colorSpace=None, operation='', log=None)

Hard setter for fillColor, allows suppression of the log message, simultaneous colorSpace setting and calls update methods.

setBorderColorSpace(value, log=None, operation=False, stealth=False)
setBorderRGB(color, operation='', log=None)

DEPRECATED: Legacy setter for border RGB, instead set obj._borderColor.rgb

setBorderWidth(newWidth, operation='', log=None)
setColor(color, colorSpace=None, operation='', log=None)
setColorSpace(value, log=None, operation=False, stealth=False)
setContrast(newContrast, operation='', log=None)

Usually you can use ‘stim.attribute = value’ syntax instead, but use this method if you need to suppress the log message

setDKL(color, operation='')

DEPRECATED since v1.60.05: Please use the color attribute

setDepth(newDepth, operation='', log=None)

Usually you can use ‘stim.attribute = value’ syntax instead, but use this method if you need to suppress the log message

setFillColor(color, colorSpace=None, operation='', log=None)

Hard setter for fillColor, allows suppression of the log message, simultaneous colorSpace setting and calls update methods.

setFillColorSpace(value, log=None, operation=False, stealth=False)
setFillRGB(color, operation='', log=None)

DEPRECATED: Legacy setter for fill RGB, instead set obj._fillColor.rgb

setFlip(value, log=None, operation=False, stealth=False)
setFlipHoriz(value, log=None, operation=False, stealth=False)
setFlipVert(value, log=None, operation=False, stealth=False)
setFontColor(color, colorSpace=None, operation='', log=None)
setForeColor(color, colorSpace=None, operation='', log=None)

Hard setter for foreColor, allows suppression of the log message, simultaneous colorSpace setting and calls update methods.

setForeColorSpace(value, log=None, operation=False, stealth=False)
setForeRGB(color, operation='', log=None)

DEPRECATED: Legacy setter for foreground RGB, instead set obj._foreColor.rgb

setHeight(value, log=None, operation=False, stealth=False)
setItemColor(value, log=None, operation=False, stealth=False)
setLMS(color, operation='')

DEPRECATED since v1.60.05: Please use the color attribute

setLineColor(color, colorSpace=None, operation='', log=None)
setLineColorSpace(value, log=None, operation=False, stealth=False)
setLineRGB(color, operation='', log=None)

DEPRECATED: Legacy setter for border RGB, instead set obj._borderColor.rgb

setLineWidth(newWidth, operation='', log=None)
setMarkerColor(value, log=None, operation=False, stealth=False)
setName(value, log=None, operation=False, stealth=False)
setOpacity(newOpacity, operation='', log=None)

Hard setter for opacity, allows the suppression of log messages and calls the update method

setOri(newOri, operation='', log=None)

Usually you can use ‘stim.attribute = value’ syntax instead, but use this method if you need to suppress the log message

setPos(newPos, operation='', log=None)

Usually you can use ‘stim.attribute = value’ syntax instead, but use this method if you need to suppress the log message.

setRGB(color, operation='', log=None)

DEPRECATED: Legacy setter for foreground RGB, instead set obj._foreColor.rgb

setResponseColor(value, log=None, operation=False, stealth=False)
setScrollSpeed(items, multiplier=2)[source]

Set scroll speed of Form. Higher multiplier gives smoother, but slower scroll.

  • items (list of dicts) – Items used to populate the form

  • multiplier (int (default=2)) – Number used to calculate scroll speed


Scroll speed, calculated using N items by multiplier

Return type:


setScrollbarWidth(value, log=None, operation=False, stealth=False)
setSize(newSize, operation='', units=None, log=None)

Usually you can use ‘stim.attribute = value’ syntax instead, but use this method if you need to suppress the log message

setStyle(value, log=None, operation=False, stealth=False)
setUnits(value, log=None, operation=False, stealth=False)
setValues(value, log=None, operation=False, stealth=False)
setVertices(value, log=None, operation=False, stealth=False)
setWidth(value, log=None, operation=False, stealth=False)
setWin(value, log=None, operation=False, stealth=False)
property size

The size (width, height) of the stimulus in the stimulus units

Value should be x,y-pair, scalar (applies to both dimensions) or None (resets to default). Operations are supported.

Sizes can be negative (causing a mirror-image reversal) and can extend beyond the window.


stim.size = 0.8  # Set size to (xsize, ysize) = (0.8, 0.8)
print(stim.size)  # Outputs array([0.8, 0.8])
stim.size += (0.5, -0.5)  # make wider and flatter: (1.3, 0.3)

Tip: if you can see the actual pixel range this corresponds to by looking at stim._sizeRendered

property style
property units

Placeholder method to update colours when set externally, for example updating the pallette attribute of a textbox


Placeholder method to update colours when set externally, for example updating the pallette attribute of a textbox.

property values
property vertices
property verticesPix

This determines the coordinates of the vertices for the current stimulus in pixels, accounting for size, ori, pos and units

property width
property win

The Window object in which the stimulus will be rendered by default. (required)

Example, drawing same stimulus in two different windows and display simultaneously. Assuming that you have two windows and a stimulus (win1, win2 and stim): = win1  # stimulus will be drawn in win1
stim.draw()  # stimulus is now drawn to win1 = win2  # stimulus will be drawn in win2
stim.draw()  # it is now drawn in win2
win1.flip(waitBlanking=False)  # do not wait for next
             # monitor update
win2.flip()  # wait for vertical blanking.

Note that this just changes default window for stimulus.

You could also specify window-to-draw-to when drawing:


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