Source code for psychopy.visual.shape

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Create geometric (vector) shapes by defining vertex locations."""

# Part of the PsychoPy library
# Copyright (C) 2002-2018 Jonathan Peirce (C) 2019-2024 Open Science Tools Ltd.
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL)

import copy
import numpy

# Ensure setting pyglet.options['debug_gl'] to False is done prior to any
# other calls to pyglet or pyglet submodules, otherwise it may not get picked
# up by the pyglet GL engine and have no effect.
# Shaders will work but require OpenGL2.0 drivers AND PyOpenGL3.0+
import pyglet

import psychopy  # so we can get the __path__
from psychopy import logging
from psychopy.colors import Color

# tools must only be imported *after* event or MovieStim breaks on win32
# (JWP has no idea why!)
# from import cm2pix, deg2pix
from import (attributeSetter,  # logAttrib,
from import val2array
from psychopy.visual.basevisual import (
    BaseVisualStim, DraggingMixin, ColorMixin, ContainerMixin, WindowMixin
# from psychopy.visual.helpers import setColor
import psychopy.visual

pyglet.options['debug_gl'] = False
GL =

knownShapes = {
    "triangle": [
        (+0.0, 0.5),  # Point
        (-0.5, -0.5),  # Bottom left
        (+0.5, -0.5),  # Bottom right
    "rectangle": [
        [-.5,  .5],  # Top left
        [ .5,  .5],  # Top right
        [ .5, -.5],  # Bottom left
        [-.5, -.5],  # Bottom right
    "circle": "circle",  # Placeholder, value calculated on set based on line width
    "cross": [
        (-0.1, +0.5),  # up
        (+0.1, +0.5),
        (+0.1, +0.1),
        (+0.5, +0.1),  # right
        (+0.5, -0.1),
        (+0.1, -0.1),
        (+0.1, -0.5),  # down
        (-0.1, -0.5),
        (-0.1, -0.1),
        (-0.5, -0.1),  # left
        (-0.5, +0.1),
        (-0.1, +0.1),
    "star7": [
        (0.0, 0.5),
        (0.09, 0.18),
        (0.39, 0.31),
        (0.19, 0.04),
        (0.49, -0.11),
        (0.16, -0.12),
        (0.22, -0.45),
        (0.0, -0.2),
        (-0.22, -0.45),
        (-0.16, -0.12),
        (-0.49, -0.11),
        (-0.19, 0.04),
        (-0.39, 0.31),
        (-0.09, 0.18)
    "arrow": [
        (0.0, 0.5),
        (-0.5, 0.0),
        (-1/6, 0.0),
        (-1/6, -0.5),
        (1/6, -0.5),
        (1/6, 0.0),
        (0.5, 0.0)
knownShapes['square'] = knownShapes['rectangle']
knownShapes['star'] = knownShapes['star7']

class BaseShapeStim(BaseVisualStim, DraggingMixin, ColorMixin, ContainerMixin):
    """Create geometric (vector) shapes by defining vertex locations.
    This is a lazy-imported class, therefore import using full path 
    `from psychopy.visual.shape import BaseShapeStim` when inheriting
    from it.

    Shapes can be outlines or filled, set lineColor and fillColor to
    a color name, or None. They can also be rotated (stim.setOri(__)),
    translated (stim.setPos(__)), and scaled (stim.setSize(__)) like
    any other stimulus.

    BaseShapeStim is currently used by ShapeStim and Aperture (for
    basic shapes). It is also retained in case backwards compatibility
    is needed.

    v1.84.00: ShapeStim became BaseShapeStim.


    _defaultFillColor = None
    _defaultLineColor = "black"

    def __init__(self,
                 lineColor=False, # uses False in place of None to distinguish between "not set" and "transparent"
                 fillColor=False, # uses False in place of None to distinguish between "not set" and "transparent"
                 vertices=((-0.5, 0), (0, +0.5), (+0.5, 0)),
                 pos=(0, 0),
                 # legacy
        """ """  # all doc is in the attributes
        # what local vars are defined (these are the init params) for use by
        # __repr__
        self._initParams = dir()

        # Initialize inheritance and remove unwanted methods; autoLog is set
        # later
        super(BaseShapeStim, self).__init__(win, units=units, name=name,
        self.draggable = draggable

        self.pos = pos
        self.closeShape = closeShape
        self.lineWidth = lineWidth
        self.interpolate = interpolate

        # Appearance
        self.colorSpace = colorSpace
        if fillColor is not False:
            self.fillColor = fillColor
        elif color is not False:
            # Override fillColor with color if not set
            self.fillColor = color
            # Default to None if neither are set
            self.fillColor = self._defaultFillColor
        if lineColor is not False:
            self.lineColor = lineColor
        elif color is not False:
            # Override lineColor with color if not set
            self.lineColor = color
            # Default to black if neither are set
            self.lineColor = self._defaultLineColor
        if lineRGB is not False:
            # Override with RGB if set
            logging.warning("Use of rgb arguments to stimuli are deprecated."
                            " Please use color and colorSpace args instead")
            self.setLineColor(lineRGB, colorSpace='rgb', log=None)
        if fillRGB is not False:
            # Override with RGB if set
            logging.warning("Use of rgb arguments to stimuli are deprecated."
                            " Please use color and colorSpace args instead")
            self.setFillColor(fillRGB, colorSpace='rgb', log=None)
        self.contrast = contrast
        if opacity is not None:
            self.opacity = opacity

        # Other stuff
        self.depth = depth
        self.ori = numpy.array(ori, float)
        self.size = size  # make sure that it's 2D
        self.vertices = vertices  # call attributeSetter
        self.anchor = anchor
        self.autoDraw = autoDraw  # call attributeSetter

        # set autoLog now that params have been initialised
        wantLog = autoLog is None and
        self.__dict__['autoLog'] = autoLog or wantLog
        if self.autoLog:
            logging.exp("Created %s = %s" % (, str(self)))

    def lineWidth(self, value):
        """Width of the line in **pixels**.

        :ref:`Operations <attrib-operations>` supported.
        # Enforce float
        if not isinstance(value, (float, int)):
            value = float(value)

        if isinstance(self, psychopy.visual.Line):
            if value > 127:
                logging.warning("lineWidth is greater than max width supported by OpenGL. For lines thicker than 127px, please use a filled Rect instead.")
        self.__dict__['lineWidth'] = value

    def setLineWidth(self, value, operation='', log=None):
        setAttribute(self, 'lineWidth', value, log, operation)

    def closeShape(self, value):
        """Should the last vertex be automatically connected to the first?

        If you're using `Polygon`, `Circle` or `Rect`, `closeShape=True` is
        assumed and shouldn't be changed.
        self.__dict__['closeShape'] = value

    def interpolate(self, value):
        """If `True` the edge of the line will be anti-aliased.
        self.__dict__['interpolate'] = value

    def color(self, color):
        """Set the color of the shape. Sets both `fillColor` and `lineColor`
        simultaneously if applicable.
        ColorMixin.foreColor.fset(self, color)
        self.fillColor = color
        self.lineColor = color
        return ColorMixin.foreColor.fget(self)

    #---legacy functions---

    def setColor(self, color, colorSpace=None, operation='', log=None):
        """Sets both the line and fill to be the same color.
        ColorMixin.setForeColor(self, color, colorSpace, operation, log)
        self.setLineColor(color, colorSpace, operation, log)
        self.setFillColor(color, colorSpace, operation, log)

    def vertices(self):
        return BaseVisualStim.vertices.fget(self)

    def vertices(self, value):
        if value is None:
            value = "rectangle"
        # check if this is a name of one of our known shapes
        if isinstance(value, str) and value in knownShapes:
            value = knownShapes[value]
            if value == "circle":
                # If circle is requested, calculate how many points are needed for the gap between line rects to be < 1px
                value = self._calculateMinEdges(self.lineWidth, threshold=5)
        if isinstance(value, int):
            value = self._calcEquilateralVertices(value)
        # Check shape
        WindowMixin.vertices.fset(self, value)
        self._needVertexUpdate = True

    def setVertices(self, value=None, operation='', log=None):
        """Usually you can use 'stim.attribute = value' syntax instead,
        but use this method if you need to suppress the log message
        setAttribute(self, 'vertices', value, log, operation)

    def _calcEquilateralVertices(edges, radius=0.5):
        Get vertices for an equilateral shape with a given number of sides, will assume radius is 0.5 (relative) but
        can be manually specified
        d = numpy.pi * 2 / edges
        vertices = numpy.asarray(
            [numpy.asarray((numpy.sin(e * d), numpy.cos(e * d))) * radius
             for e in range(int(round(edges)))])
        return vertices

    def _calculateMinEdges(lineWidth, threshold=180):
        Calculate how many points are needed in an equilateral polygon for the gap between line rects to be < 1px and
        for corner angles to exceed a threshold.

        In other words, how many edges does a polygon need to have to appear smooth?

        lineWidth : int, float, np.ndarray
            Width of the line in pixels

        threshold : int
            Maximum angle (degrees) for corners of the polygon, useful for drawing a circle. Supply 180 for no maximum
        # sin(theta) = opp / hyp, we want opp to be 1/8 (meaning gap between rects is 1/4px, 1/2px in retina)
        opp = 1/8
        hyp = lineWidth / 2
        thetaR = numpy.arcsin(opp / hyp)
        theta = numpy.degrees(thetaR)
        # If theta is below threshold, use threshold instead
        theta = min(theta, threshold / 2)
        # Angles in a shape add up to 360, so theta is 360/2n, solve for n
        return int((360 / theta) / 2)

    def draw(self, win=None, keepMatrix=False):
        """Draw the stimulus in its relevant window.

        You must call this method after every MyWin.flip() if you want the
        stimulus to appear on that frame and then update the screen again.
        # The keepMatrix option is needed by Aperture
        if win is None:
            win =

        if win._haveShaders:
            _prog =
        # will check if it needs updating (check just once)
        vertsPix = self.verticesPix
        nVerts = vertsPix.shape[0]
        # scale the drawing frame etc...
        if not keepMatrix:
            GL.glPushMatrix()  # push before drawing, pop after
        # load Null textures into multitexteureARB - or they modulate glColor
        GL.glBindTexture(GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0)
        GL.glBindTexture(GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0)

        if self.interpolate:
        # .data_as(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_float)))
        GL.glVertexPointer(2, GL.GL_DOUBLE, 0, vertsPix.ctypes)

        if nVerts > 2:  # draw a filled polygon first
            if self._fillColor != None:
                # then draw
                GL.glDrawArrays(GL.GL_POLYGON, 0, nVerts)
        if self._borderColor != None and self.lineWidth != 0.0:
            # then draw
            if self.opacity is not None:
                borderRGBA = self._borderColor.render('rgba1')
                borderRGBA[-1] = self.opacity  # override opacity
            if self.closeShape:
                GL.glDrawArrays(GL.GL_LINE_LOOP, 0, nVerts)
                GL.glDrawArrays(GL.GL_LINE_STRIP, 0, nVerts)
        if win._haveShaders:
        if not keepMatrix:

[docs]class ShapeStim(BaseShapeStim): """A class for arbitrary shapes defined as lists of vertices (x,y). This is a lazy-imported class, therefore import using full path `from psychopy.visual.shape import ShapeStim` when inheriting from it. Shapes can be lines, polygons (concave, convex, self-crossing), or have holes or multiple regions. `vertices` is typically a list of points (x,y). By default, these are assumed to define a closed figure (polygon); set `closeShape=False` for a line. `closeShape` cannot be changed dynamically, but individual vertices can be changed on a frame-by-frame basis. The stimulus as a whole can be rotated, translated, or scaled dynamically (using .ori, .pos, .size). Vertices can be a string, giving the name of a known set of vertices, although "cross" is the only named shape available at present. Advanced shapes: `vertices` can also be a list of loops, where each loop is a list of points (x,y), e.g., to define a shape with a hole. Borders and contains() are not supported for multi-loop stimuli. `windingRule` is an advanced feature to allow control over the GLU tessellator winding rule (default: GLU_TESS_WINDING_ODD). This is relevant only for self-crossing or multi-loop shapes. Cannot be set dynamically. See Coder demo > stimuli > Changed Nov 2015: v1.84.00. Now allows filling of complex shapes. This is almost completely backwards compatible (see changelog). The old version is accessible as `psychopy.visual.BaseShapeStim`. Parameters ---------- win : :class:`~psychopy.visual.Window` Window this shape is being drawn to. The stimulus instance will allocate its required resources using that Windows context. In many cases, a stimulus instance cannot be drawn on different windows unless those windows share the same OpenGL context, which permits resources to be shared between them. units : str Units to use when drawing. This will affect how parameters and attributes `pos`, `size` and `radius` are interpreted. colorSpace : str Sets the colorspace, changing how values passed to `lineColor` and `fillColor` are interpreted. lineWidth : float Width of the shape outline. lineColor, fillColor : array_like, str, :class:`~psychopy.colors.Color` or None Color of the shape outline and fill. If `None`, a fully transparent color is used which makes the fill or outline invisible. vertices : array_like Nx2 array of points (eg., `[[-0.5, 0], [0, 0.5], [0.5, 0]`). windingRule : :class:`` or None Winding rule to use for tesselation, default is `GLU_TESS_WINDING_ODD` if `None` is specified. closeShape : bool Close the shape's outline. If `True` the first and last vertex will be joined by an edge. Must be `True` to use tesselation. Default is `True`. pos : array_like Initial position (`x`, `y`) of the shape on-screen relative to the origin located at the center of the window or buffer in `units`. This can be updated after initialization by setting the `pos` property. The default value is `(0.0, 0.0)` which results in no translation. size : array_like, float, int or None Width and height of the shape as `(w, h)` or `[w, h]`. If a single value is provided, the width and height will be set to the same specified value. If `None` is specified, the `size` will be set with values passed to `width` and `height`. ori : float Initial orientation of the shape in degrees about its origin. Positive values will rotate the shape clockwise, while negative values will rotate counterclockwise. The default value for `ori` is 0.0 degrees. opacity : float Opacity of the shape. A value of 1.0 indicates fully opaque and 0.0 is fully transparent (therefore invisible). Values between 1.0 and 0.0 will result in colors being blended with objects in the background. This value affects the fill (`fillColor`) and outline (`lineColor`) colors of the shape. contrast : float Contrast level of the shape (0.0 to 1.0). This value is used to modulate the contrast of colors passed to `lineColor` and `fillColor`. depth : int Depth layer to draw the shape when `autoDraw` is enabled. *DEPRECATED* interpolate : bool Enable smoothing (anti-aliasing) when drawing shape outlines. This produces a smoother (less-pixelated) outline of the shape. draggable : bool Can this stimulus be dragged by a mouse click? name : str Optional name of the stimuli for logging. autoLog : bool Enable auto-logging of events associated with this stimuli. Useful for debugging and to track timing when used in conjunction with `autoDraw`. autoDraw : bool Enable auto drawing. When `True`, the stimulus will be drawn every frame without the need to explicitly call the :py:meth:`~psychopy.visual.ShapeStim.draw` method. color : array_like, str, :class:`~psychopy.colors.Color` or None Sets both the initial `lineColor` and `fillColor` of the shape. lineRGB, fillRGB: array_like, :class:`~psychopy.colors.Color` or None *Deprecated*. Please use `lineColor` and `fillColor`. These arguments may be removed in a future version. lineColorSpace, fillColorSpace : str Colorspace to use for the outline and fill. These change how the values passed to `lineColor` and `fillColor` are interpreted. *Deprecated*. Please use `colorSpace` to set both outline and fill colorspace. These arguments may be removed in a future version. """ # Author: Jeremy Gray, November 2015, using psychopy.contrib.tesselate def __init__(self, win, units='', colorSpace='rgb', fillColor=False, lineColor=False, lineWidth=1.5, vertices=((-0.5, 0), (0, +0.5), (+0.5, 0)), windingRule=None, # default GL.GLU_TESS_WINDING_ODD closeShape=True, # False for a line pos=(0, 0), size=1, anchor=None, ori=0.0, opacity=1.0, contrast=1.0, depth=0, interpolate=True, draggable=False, name=None, autoLog=None, autoDraw=False, # legacy color=False, lineRGB=False, fillRGB=False, fillColorSpace=None, lineColorSpace=None ): # what local vars are defined (init params, for use by __repr__) self._initParamsOrig = dir() self._initParamsOrig.remove('self') super(ShapeStim, self).__init__(win, units=units, lineWidth=lineWidth, colorSpace=colorSpace, lineColor=lineColor, lineColorSpace=lineColorSpace, fillColor=fillColor, fillColorSpace=fillColorSpace, vertices=None, # dummy verts closeShape=self.closeShape, pos=pos, size=size, anchor=anchor, ori=ori, opacity=opacity, contrast=contrast, depth=depth, interpolate=interpolate, draggable=draggable, name=name, autoLog=False, autoDraw=autoDraw) self.closeShape = closeShape self.windingRule = windingRule self.vertices = vertices # remove deprecated params (from ShapeStim.__init__): self._initParams = self._initParamsOrig # set autoLog now that params have been initialised wantLog = autoLog or autoLog is None and self.__dict__['autoLog'] = wantLog if self.autoLog: logging.exp("Created %s = %s" % (, str(self)))
[docs] def _tesselate(self, newVertices): """Set the `.vertices` and `.border` to new values, invoking tessellation. """ # TO-DO: handle borders properly for multiloop stim like holes # likely requires changes in ContainerMixin to iterate over each # border loop from psychopy.contrib import tesselate self.border = copy.deepcopy(newVertices) tessVertices = [] # define to keep the linter happy if self.closeShape: # convert original vertices to triangles (= tesselation) if # possible. (not possible if closeShape is False, don't even try) GL.glPushMatrix() # seemed to help at one point, superfluous? if getattr(self, "windingRule", False): GL.gluTessProperty(tesselate.tess, GL.GLU_TESS_WINDING_RULE, self.windingRule) if hasattr(newVertices[0][0], '__iter__'): loops = newVertices else: loops = [newVertices] tessVertices = tesselate.tesselate(loops) GL.glPopMatrix() if getattr(self, "windingRule", False): GL.gluTessProperty(tesselate.tess, GL.GLU_TESS_WINDING_RULE, tesselate.default_winding_rule) if not self.closeShape or tessVertices == []: # probably got a line if tesselate returned [] initVertices = newVertices self.closeShape = False elif len(tessVertices) % 3: raise tesselate.TesselateError("Could not properly tesselate") else: initVertices = tessVertices self.__dict__['_tesselVertices'] = numpy.array(initVertices, float)
@property def vertices(self): """A list of lists or a numpy array (Nx2) specifying xy positions of each vertex, relative to the center of the field. Assigning to vertices can be slow if there are many vertices. :ref:`Operations <attrib-operations>` supported with `.setVertices()`. """ return WindowMixin.vertices.fget(self) @vertices.setter def vertices(self, value): # check if this is a name of one of our known shapes if isinstance(value, str) and value in knownShapes: value = knownShapes[value] if isinstance(value, str) and value == "circle": # If circle is requested, calculate how many points are needed for the gap between line rects to be < 1px value = self._calculateMinEdges(self.lineWidth, threshold=5) if isinstance(value, int): value = self._calcEquilateralVertices(value) # Check shape WindowMixin.vertices.fset(self, value) self._needVertexUpdate = True self._tesselate(self.vertices)
[docs] def draw(self, win=None, keepMatrix=False): """Draw the stimulus in the relevant window. You must call this method after every `win.flip()` if you want the stimulus to appear on that frame and then update the screen again. """ # mostly copied from BaseShapeStim. Uses GL_TRIANGLES and depends on # two arrays of vertices: tesselated (for fill) & original (for # border) keepMatrix is needed by Aperture, although Aperture # currently relies on BaseShapeStim instead if win is None: win = self._selectWindow(win) # scale the drawing frame etc... if not keepMatrix: GL.glPushMatrix() win.setScale('pix') # setup the shaderprogram if win._haveShaders: _prog = GL.glUseProgram(_prog) # load Null textures into multitexteureARB - or they modulate glColor GL.glActiveTexture(GL.GL_TEXTURE0) GL.glEnable(GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D) GL.glBindTexture(GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0) GL.glActiveTexture(GL.GL_TEXTURE1) GL.glEnable(GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D) GL.glBindTexture(GL.GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0) if self.interpolate: GL.glEnable(GL.GL_LINE_SMOOTH) GL.glEnable(GL.GL_MULTISAMPLE) else: GL.glDisable(GL.GL_LINE_SMOOTH) GL.glDisable(GL.GL_MULTISAMPLE) GL.glEnableClientState(GL.GL_VERTEX_ARRAY) # fill interior triangles if there are any if (self.closeShape and self.verticesPix.shape[0] > 2 and self._fillColor != None): GL.glVertexPointer(2, GL.GL_DOUBLE, 0, self.verticesPix.ctypes) GL.glColor4f(*self._fillColor.render('rgba1')) GL.glDrawArrays(GL.GL_TRIANGLES, 0, self.verticesPix.shape[0]) # draw the border (= a line connecting the non-tesselated vertices) if self._borderColor != None and self.lineWidth: GL.glVertexPointer(2, GL.GL_DOUBLE, 0, self._borderPix.ctypes) GL.glLineWidth(self.lineWidth) GL.glColor4f(*self._borderColor.render('rgba1')) if self.closeShape: gl_line = GL.GL_LINE_LOOP else: gl_line = GL.GL_LINE_STRIP GL.glDrawArrays(gl_line, 0, self._borderPix.shape[0]) GL.glDisableClientState(GL.GL_VERTEX_ARRAY) if win._haveShaders: GL.glUseProgram(0) if not keepMatrix: GL.glPopMatrix()

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